Fourty-Five: Fatima's Six weeks Appointment 🩺

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They had just come from Junie's appointment and they had a couple of hours before she had to attend hers. They were chilling at the house when Fatima got a call from CJ saying she needs to be picked up. Fatima gets up and tells Zac where she was going. She kissed him and left to go get CJ.

15 minutes later...

| North Atlanta High School|

Fatima pulled into an empty parking spot and speed-walked into the building. Inside Cj was sitting in one of the chairs outside the office. Fatima saw her sitting there and approached her.

Fatima: Why are you sitting out here? Are you not feeling good?

CJ: Nahh it was a girl that was bothering me and saying things and she tried to run up on me so I slapped her down. Then when she got up she tried to swing again so I kicked her down and said "Stay down Bitch".

Fatima: CJ I understand that she was talking shit but you could've walked away.

Cj: I know you not talking telling me to walk away... You have no room to give a lesson about walking away.

Fatima: See this ain't about me. You always trying to flip the narrative.

CJ: The camera showed that the girl technically threw the first lick so she got suspended. They said I would be having an In-school suspension.

Fatima: Okay. Are they letting you go or you gotta wait?

CJ: I told them I was calling sister and they said okay. I already talked to the principal and got the paper so I guess we can go.

Fatima: Okay. So do I need to drop you off with your mom or are you going back to the house?

CJ: They already talked to my mom so I'm going back to yall house.

Fatima: Okay. Are you hungry? Because you gone with Zac and Junie.

CJ: His name is Booga. But no I'm not hungry. I need to finish these assignments.

Fatima: His name is Zachary because I named him but to each its own. Okay, im going to drop you off and head to this appointment. When I come back let me know if you are hungry even though the girls should be back. Also, can you tell Zac to clean my living room, please?

CJ: Okay I gotcha.

They are in the car and they are just talking about what they are going to do later. 15 minutes later they get to the house and Cj gets out. They say their goodbyes and Fatima waits til CJ gets in the house before backing out and pulling off. 27 minutes later she makes it to Dr. Reign's office with 3 minutes to sign and wait before she was considered late.

| Dr. Reign Office|

Fatima gets into the building and signs in. She waits til her name is called. She goes back there and they check her weight.

Nurse: Step on the scale for me.

Fatima steps on the scale and she thought her eyes were deceiving her.

Nurse: Okay 178 lbs. Okay, you can step off now.

Fatima steps off the scale and follows behind the nurse. She follows the nurse into an exam room. The nurse takes Fatima's blood pressure and temperature. The nurse asks her a couple of questions and then leaves out. Fatima changes into the gown that was sitting on the exam bed. Now Fatima is waiting on Dr. Reign to come in.

25 minutes later...


Fatima: Come in.

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