First impressions

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They walk up the stairs to her place and knock on the door. Patiently they wait for an answer and knock once again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming hold your horses!" Julia's voice comes from inside.

The guys groan "You can bet she'll be coming in a more pleasurable way sooner rather than..."

Bucky grunts as Loki shoves an elbow in his gut, "Stop being so crass you moron."

"I can't help it," Bucky says almost whining.

"Behave Buck or Loki and I will sit next to her," Steve says clipping him upside the head.

Bucky growls and is about to punch Steve when the door opens; a gasp is heard from Julia. Loki sighs and waves his hand pinning Buck to the wall.

"I told you to behave you neanderthal," Loki growls as Bucky wiggles against the restraint.

Steve walks over to Julia "I'm sorry if we scared you. This wasn't the type of impression we wanted to make, please forgive us."

Julia sighs, "Of course. I just don't like a lot of violence and you scared me."

Loki smiles and hands her the flowers "Here my dear, take these as a sort of apology and hopefully you'll still want to go out with us tonite."

She takes them with a smile "Roses my favorite. Thank you very much and yes, I'll still go out with you guys tonite. Just please let I think the winter soldier down."

Loki smiles and waves his hand letting Bucky fall to the floor.

"Let me formally introduce ourselves my dear..." Loki begins.

"Can I guess please?"

Loki nods and gestures for her to continue "You're Loki, the blonde is Steve Rogers otherwise known as Captain America and the horn dog is James Barnes otherwise known as Bucky," Julia laughs a bit.

Steve smiles as she describes Bucky, who begins to scowl. Bucky crosses his arms and Julia walks over to him.

"I'm sorry soldier boy want me to kiss it and make it better?" she asks looking up at him.

Bucky's scowl vanishes when he looks down at her "Maybe later sweetheart, but I'm sorry for how I acted. You don't deserve a soulmate who acts like a little kid when he doesn't get what he wants."

Julia brings her hand up to cup his cheek "You are forgiven big guy," she smiles and runs her hand over his stubble.

Bucky nuzzles into her touch and brings the palm of her hand to his lips kissing it. He takes a bit of a liberty and darts his tongue out to taste her.

She blushes and moves away to put her flowers into the apartment before grabbing her shawl along with her purse. Loki waves his hand closes the door behind them.

"Shall we?" Loki asks offering his arm to her.

Julia takes his arm and reaches out taking Bucky's as well making his eyebrows go up. Steve chuckles at Bucky's expression.

"Well, if you don't want to walk with her jerk, I'll gladly..."

"No" Bucky says and places his left hand on her hand and rubs gently, "I'd like to do this for her if that's ok."

Julia nods "Now if you gentlemen will lead me to the vehicle we can get going. And I'll sit in the back seat with..."

"James will sit with you my dear. This is a reward for him being so patient with you," Loki says smiling.

They walk to the car and Loki opens the door for her. Julia slides in and Bucky gets in beside her. Loki sits in the passenger seat while Steve drives.

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