Quiet night

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Later that day Julia's phone rang, and Bucky answered it "Hello?"

"Where is she? She was supposed to be in to work a half hour ago," Tabitha's voice came over the phone.

"I'm sorry, but she won't be able to come in," Bucky replied smoothly.

"Why is that? Is she too tired from fornicating with you three?" Tabitha sneered

"No, she is sick from you overworking her without time off to rest her body. And before you say that she doesn't deserve time off cause she doesn't have a family of her own, she does have people who want to spend time with her. So, guess what she is taking time away till she is feeling better. If you want to complain about me, call Avengers tower or better yet call Tony Stark, goodbye," Bucky hangs up the phone and sets it aside before he throws it.

Steve walks out of the bedroom with an empty cup "What was that or shouldn't I ask?"

"It was her boss asking why she wasn't in to work yet. So I told her that she wasn't coming in since she was ill and that if she had a problem with it to call Tony. Did I do the right thing?" Bucky wondered

"Yes, you did and don't worry, if need be, Nat will put the fear of God into her just as she did us," Steve replies with a chuckle.

Bucky smiles a bit "Well enough of the bad news, how's she doing?"

"Well, she finished another cup of tea and Loki is keeping her fever down. She seems to like either you or Loki holding her lately; you two are her comfort while she's sick. You are her big warm teddy bear while he's her cool one," Steve chuckles, "Don't worry I'm not mad, I'm just glad she's at least comfy."

"That's good at least she's getting something in her. Wonder if she's hungry?" Bucky mused

A knock came at the door and Steve goes to answer it "Hey Beth you, ok?"

"Yeah, I just came to check on Jules, she, ok?" Beth asked walking in

"She's got a cold, so we've been taking care of her. Loki is with her if you want to go visit," Steve said heading for the kitchen.

Beth nods and heads for the bedroom. She sees Loki rocking her friend who is trying not to cough and is holding a tissue to her nose.

"Hey sis," Beth said quietly from the doorway.

"Hey," she croaked back.

Beth walked in and sat in a chair by the bed "How are you feeling?"

"Terrible, but I have the best nurses available," she tries to chuckle then ends up coughing. Loki rubs her back to ease it.

"Easy sis. You need rest and don't worry about Christmas we'll celebrate when you're better ok?" Beth soothes

She nods and yawns again before settling back onto Loki.

"Sorry her coughing fits exhaust her. We've been giving her peppermint tea with honey to help soothe her throat," Loki explained.

"It's ok I'm glad she has soulmates like you guys to watch out for her. I'm assuming her tyrant of a boss has already called wondering where she was?" Beth asked

"Yes, she has and I'm guessing if she figures out where Julia is soon, we'll be hearing pounding on our door," Loki sighs.

"I think I should call in some back up if that's ok?" Beth inquires

Loki nods "Go ahead. I think Jules is tired of having only male company."

Beth shakes her head and calls Nat to come over as back up. Then she calls Michelle as well just in case.

A half hour later Nat and Michelle show up, they shoo the guys out of the house so they can help their friend get into a nice warm bath with a vapor oil in the water. Then they get her all cozied up on the sofa with a nice thick blanket and a movie.

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