After the Date

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Steve gets behind the wheel after everyone else is in the car "So where to?"

Loki sighs "Let's get her over to our place that way she can relax. I'm sure we can comfort her some way."

Steve nods, " Maybe a movie to make her laugh?"

"Good idea punk," Bucky agrees from the backseat cradling Julia in his lap.

"Do we have anything for her to wear at our place? I'm sure she'd be more comfortable in sweats," Steve suggests.

"I've prepared for that occurrence captain," Loki replies.

"May I ask how?" Steve asks

"Once we found her, I began acquiring women's clothes in her size so she could stay with us if she needed to," Loki replies.

"Ok," Steve says.

Julia had nodded off in Bucky's arms cuddling into him. She had a smile on her face.

"I think she's asleep," Bucky says.

"It's ok Buck, she needs her rest. We can still do as planned and make sure she doesn't get shocked she isn't at home," Loki replies.

The drive back to their place was quiet and they pulled into their garage. Quietly they all three got out and carried Julia into the house. Loki changed her into a comfortable set of pajamas, then laid her on the bed. All the guys began to set up the living room in case she woke up and made it comfortable for her. They stepped back and smiled at their work.

"Now we should get some chocolate for her. I heard that's a great comfort food," Bucky suggests, "Oh Loki did you take off her glasses, she'll be uncomfortable if she sleeps in those."

Loki nods "Yes I took her glasses off and left them close by so she can find them if she wakes up."

"Now who's going to do the shopping for the...oh" Steve said keys still in his hand, "Guess I am then. No doing anything till I get back."

Bucky and Loki nod watching Steve leave. The guys get the pillow nest a bit more comfortable for their girl.

Half an hour later....

Steve walks in with bags from the local store and sets them on the counter along with another bouquet of flowers.

"Hope she likes these," Steve murmurs and begins to put the food away.

A shriek comes from the bedroom, and he runs to the direction of the scream. He sees Julia sitting straight up in the bed looking scared. Slowly he walks over to her so as not to scare her further.

"Easy doll, easy its me Steve you're safe," he says reaching a hand out to her.

Julia takes his hand and pulls him down to sit beside her. Steve cuddles her close rocking her murmuring soothing words in her ears.

"Shh, shh its ok," he soothes.

"I heard something that..." she begins crying.

Loki and Bucky race in to see what had scared their girl. They see that she's crying.

"What happe...oh dear," Loki said looking ashamed.

"You two scared her, I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to leave all of us," Steve said angrily.

Bucky along with Loki sit on her other side and rub her back. Julia shivers and moves away cuddling more into Steve.

"My dear we love you and always will, please don't push us away. It hurts us as much as it hurts you," Loki says and grabs her glasses sliding them on her face.

After calming down a bit Julia looks at Bucky and Loki, she nods sniffling. Steve lets her go so the other two can hold her and comfort her.

"I'll put that movie in, you three can come in when she's feeling a bit better," Steve said getting up.

Julia grabbed him before he got too far "Don't leave..." she begged.

Steve sat back down and rubbed her back as well. A phone began to ring, and Loki grabbed it.

"Hello?" he says as he answers.

"Who the hell is this?" a woman's voice says on the phone, "Where is Julia?"

"That is none of your business," Loki says into the phone, "She is safe that is all you need to know my lady."

The voice on the other end growls "Just you wait till I get there and if she's hurt you are going to get it. I'll rip your balls off very slowly."

Loki grimaces and hangs up the phone. He puts it in his pocket "Ok let's go get our goddess ensconced in her pillow nest," he says turning back to the other two.

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