Silent night

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A half hour later the Loki and Steve come back with bags of medicines along with a humidifier just in case. They set down the items and quickly put them away after hanging up their coats.

"How's she doing?" Loki asked

"I checked on her and she seemed a bit warm, so I put a cool cloth on her head. Maybe we should all take turns keeping her warm tonite," Bucky suggested.

"That should be for you and Steve. I'm afraid I'd only make her too cold," Loki says with a frown turning to the fridge.

"She'll need that too, if she has a fever, you'll be able to cool her down slowly. You can also keep her warm, she'll want the warmth of a blanket and coolness of ice sometimes," Steve replied.

"Alright I'll take your word for it. Now let's get those items set up so she can be comfortable," Loki said as he began to set up the humidifier.

Twenty minutes later they have everything set up and they hear coughing from the bedroom. They all go check on their mate hearing that she's a bit congested. Loki heads to the kitchen to make up some hot tea to help with the possible sore throat she may have from all the coughing. Bucky pulls her to a sitting position to ease her coughing and she shivers a bit; he rubs her arms.

"Easy doll it'll be ok we'll take care of you," Bucky whispers soothing her.

She opens her eyes and sees Bucky holding her "Mmm, sorry for..." she croaks out.

"It's ok hon we'll take care of you. And don't worry about work, there is no way you are going to work till you are completely well," Steve replied on the other side of her.

"But I've never called in before," she croaks again.

"That's what we are going to do love," Loki replies walking in with the cup of tea, "Now this should help soothe your throat."

He sits in front of her and takes a spoonful of tea, blows on it then feeds her a spoonful of tea at a time, "I got your favorite love, peppermint and I added some honey for your throat."

She smiles in thanks and manages to swallow all of the tea he made. Julia snuggles close into Bucky yawning.

"Rest love. We'll all take turns sleeping near you to make sure you are comfortable," Loki added with a smile.

"May I take the first watch?" Bucky asks

"Of course, soldier. I don't think we could get her from your arms anyways," Loki says looking over, "She's comfortable. I'll make up a pot of soup we can heat at intervals for her to eat when she's up to it."

She fell asleep in Bucky's arms and slept through most of the night without coughing fits. Close to morning she wakes herself with a coughing fit and is immediately soothed with a hand rubbing her back.

"Shh shh it'll be ok sweetheart. I'll get some more of that tea for you that'll help you rest," Bucky said moving to get up, "Steve can you..."

"Why don't we let Loki hold her since he's the one who has been up most of the night keeping watch?" Steve replied

"Of course, Loki?" Bucky called out softly

"I'm here," Loki walked out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and sleep pants.

"I'm going to get her some tea, want to hold her so she can rest while I get it?" Bucky asked

"Sure, but will she.." Loki starts then sees her reaching out for him, "I see I don't need to worry if she doesn't want me to hold her."

Bucky slips out from behind her and Loki seamlessly takes his place. Julia snuggles back into him with a sigh pulling a smile from him.

"I'll be right back. Just a tablespoon of honey in the tea?" Bucky asks before leaving

Loki nods and slightly cools Julia as he feels her warm just slightly. He smiles as he holds her.

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