Tidings of comfort and joy

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The next morning Julia wakes up and notices that she's alone again. Sighing she gets up and heads for the shower. There are a couple towels scattered on the floor. Leaning down she picks them up and notices that of course they couldn't wait for her. With tears in her eyes, she starts the shower after putting the towels away.

Half an hour later...

She's sitting at the table drinking her coffee dressed for work. Glancing down she sees a note on the table. Still a bit upset she grabs the note and puts it in her bag not bothering to look at it. Julia opens her closet and pulls out a coat not looking at the color as she puts it on. Shortly after she heads out locking the door after her.

After making a quick stop at the coffee shop to get her peppermint mocha Julia heads to the library. She pats herself for the keys before realizing they're in her coat pocket. Julia unlocks the door and goes inside locking the door behind her as the library isn't open yet. Sighing she begins to do her pre-opening duties before the library opens. Of course, her boss is off today since she has a family, while Julia has to work yet again.

The day seems to fly by and before long Julia is yawning. She stands up to stretch and heads into the stacks to put away some returns before closing time. Since she's in the back she can faintly hear the doorbell ring as some last minute people walk in.

"We close in a half hour just to let you know," she calls towards the front.

She doesn't hear anything after that and assumes that the new arrivals are busy looking at the books. Julia figures that they'll ring the bell as soon as they're ready. The cart squeaks a bit as she pushes it to the next row of books, and she barely grabs a book when a pair of arms slides around her waist and pulls her into a hard chest. At first, she wiggles to get away until she hears a familiar groan. She settles a bit and moves to give some space.

"Can you let me go please Steve?" Julia asks in a cold voice.

"Not until you tell us what's wrong doll," Steve replies hugging her.

"I recall you two taking cold showers last night," Julia replies sniffling a bit," I found the towels this morning."

"Oh..sweetheart we took separate showers that was shampoo you found not what you think it was," Steve explains.


"Yes kotonyk. We'd never break a promise to you. Didn't you read the letter we left?" Bucky asks.

"No, I was too mad to read it," Julia admits.

"It said that we love you and we'll be here to get you at the end of your shift. Sorry Loki couldn't come, but they needed him for a brief mission," Steve explains, "He'll be back later."

"Ok," Julia said sniffling a little.

"It's ok sweetheart, how about we put the rest of these books away for you while you relax at the desk. We left a treat there for you," Steve says ushering her in the direction of her desk.

Julia sits down at her desk and finds a box of various Christmas goodies. Shaking her head smiling and takes out a candy cane remembering her innocent teasing the night before. Her cheeks turn red with the memory of what she did afterwards. She unwraps the treat and begins to lick on it picturing exactly what she wanted to do later. As she is enjoying her treat Loki appears under her desk; he wasn't gone on a mission it was just a ruse for the surprise to work.

Loki, using a soft touch pulls up her skirt and waves his hands making her panties disappear. He licks his lips before diving in. His tongue darts out to taste her.

"Oh god what is..." Julia moans quietly setting down her treat.

Bucky and Steve smile as they hear what is going on. Their plan is going very well and soon they'd be getting their own treat.

Julia thinks for a second before she smiles, "Show me why they call you silver tongue, trickster god."

Loki grins when she has it figured out and begins to lap at her already weeping slit. Hearing her moan goads, him on and he grabs her hand to tangle in his hair. Julia's hips begin to move as his tongue dances inside her. The bell above the door rang again.

"Well, well if it isn't the servant," Bianca said as she strolled in.

"What do you want?" Julia asked in a somewhat even tone.

"Just wanted to let you know that my grandmother wants you to work the week after Christmas and work Christmas eve. She has a family you know; your folks are a few states away are they not and they don't want you around," Bianca says smirking, "See you soon monster. Oh, and your guys will be mine before long, soulmates or not."

With that Bianca struts out the door letting it close with a tinkling of bells. Julia sighs and leans back relaxing back into Loki's ministrations. She jumps a bit when she feels a bit of cold on her inner thighs and moans under her breath when some heat follows the chill. Julia was so glad he didn't start doing this till that bitch left; Bianca will never get her hands on these men and their talented tongues.

"Mmm, more please," Julia groans.

Loki lets out a soft chuckle before continuing to please his soulmate. He feels her thighs begin to tense as he feels her release begin to rise to the surface. Her moans began to fill the silent halls of the library and her soldiers grin as they begin to make their way back to the front desk. The sight that greets them makes their pants tighten even more and they can't wait to feel her mouth on them. She's leaning back in her chair her breasts rising and falling with each breath.

"Oh god I'm....ahhhh!" Julia comes all over his tongue.

Loki cleans her up with his tongue and he vanishes reappearing by her side. He leans down and kisses her hard.

"Mmmm" Julia lifts her arms up to wrap around his neck.

He picks her up and pulls away from her lips "Lets head home you two. We have a lot of making up to do."

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