Candy Cane

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Loki and Julia reappear back at her place. Bucky and Steve look shocked to see them back so soon; also, that those two were in the middle of a very passionate kiss.

"Not fair," Bucky groaned.

Julia pulls away from Loki "Then get your ass over here wolfy if you want some."

Bucky gives his own little growl and walks over pulling Julia from Loki giving her his own kiss.

Beth and Nat laugh "Maybe we should head out before this gets too heated."

Nat agrees and the two leave.

Bucky pulls back and kisses Julia's neck "Mmm you smell like peppermint; I love that smell."

Julia giggles "It's the perfume I wear this time of year. I love the scent. Besides don't I get to taste a few candy canes?"

All three of the guys chuckle.

"Maybe my dear, but we're going to take this slow for you. We want your first time to be special not rushed," Loki replies, "Since your friends left let's get you settled with a nice hot cup of tea, or would you prefer hot chocolate?"

"Hot cocoa please," Julia says.

"As you wish sweetheart," Steve replies and heads to the kitchen to make her up a mug.

Loki snaps his fingers and puts her into some comfy green pajamas with a soft robe. Julia smiles and lets out a squeal as Bucky picks her up before setting her on the sofa.

"I'm guessing you guys plan on spoiling me am I right?" Julia asks.

Loki and Bucky smile before taking a seat on either side of her. Steve walks in with a steaming mug of hot cocoa with a candy cane in it.

"Here we are sweetheart, you enjoy," Steve says kissing her cheek.

"Thank you," Julia says and stirs it with the candy cane.

She pulls out the candy cane and sucks on it. The guys groan at the sight and turn away so they don't jump on her like a pack of sex crazed animals.

"What, did I do something wrong?" Julia asks.

All three bite their lips and discretely adjust themselves before she notices. Unfortunately, she does notices and blushes before turning back to her hot cocoa.

"Umm maybe I should go take a cold shower," Steve suggests heading for the direction of the bathroom.

"Hurry up I'm next," Bucky calls.

Julia looks down and sips her hot chocolate setting aside her candy cane not touching it again. Once she finishes, she sets aside her mug on the table next to her and grabs the remote control. Before she can turn the tv on Loki takes it from her and turns it on himself putting on a holiday special. Her eyes widen when she notices it's one of her favorites.

"Ooh I love this one, it's a Charlie Brown Christmas. Never thought I'd get to see it again," Julia said curling up on the sofa.

Loki's eyebrows go up at that as he doesn't really watch tv that often. He's more often found with his nose stuck in a book. Now he'd rather have his nose stuck in between Julia's legs pulling moans from her lips. His eyes glance over at her as she stretches, her pajama top raising up just enough to show a bit of skin between the pants and shirt. Loki's face begins to turn blue in lust and he covers his lap with a pillow before she notices the tent that he is now sporting.

Julia glances over during a commercial and sees that Loki's face is a bit blue. Also, that he now has a pillow over his lap.

"You, ok?" she asks.

"Do you want an honest answer or a holiday one my dear?" Loki replies

"Honest please," Julia says.

He moves the pillow and grimaces hoping she doesn't run away. A gentle touch makes him look down. Julia's hand is touching the area gently so as not to cause him pain. When she notices he's not hissing in pain she leans upwards to kiss his cheek.

"May I see?" she asks.

Loki nods and waits to see what she'll do. Soon the sound of a zipper cuts the silence. He lets out a gasp as he feels himself being engulfed in a warm cavern. Looking down he sees Julia's lips wrapped around his cock as she moves her head up and down.

"Good lord," he groans and tangles his fingers in her hair urging her on.

She runs her tongue up his length and flicks the tip making eye contact with him. Julia blushes and looks away a bit embarrassed at her actions.

"Please continue my dear, I love what you're doing," Loki says running his fingers thru her hair.

"You sure?" Julia asked looking up.

"Very sure my dear," Loki says reassuring her.

With this encouragement Julia takes his member back into her mouth. Loki groans and brushes her hair from her face as she continues to please him.

Bucky and Steve make their way back to the living room. Their eyebrows go up when they hear groans coming from the sofa. Curiosity got the better of them and what they saw surprised them. The scene before them made their pants tight once again. Loki looks up and gives them a look that says to be quiet.

Julia continues to suck on Loki like he was her own personal candy cane. Before long she feels him begin to tense and she braces herself for what's coming.

"Love I'm..." Loki growls.

He groans as his release fills her throat and she reflexively swallows it down. She continues to swallow and cleans him up with her tongue. Loki lifts her chin up with a finger and places a lingering kiss on her lips. She pulls away with a pink tinge on her cheeks.

"So beautiful," Loki breathes.

"Did I..."

"You did wonderful love. Don't ever doubt yourself," Loki says," Thank you for letting her finish."

Bucky and Steve nod," Can't wait for our turn, but we won't push you."

Julia looks up and sees the other two. She curls up feeling embarrassed.

"I can't believe I just did that," Julia mumbled.

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