Girls Night Out

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A month passes by and Julia is working a ten hour shift at the library. By ten hours it means she's working all day. Apparently Tabitha took advantage of Julia being depressed and made sure she barely had any days off.

One day Beth strode into the library and saw that only her friend was working. She shook her head.

"Hey Jules working by yourself again today?" Beth asks leaning on the counter.

"Yes. Tabitha thought she needed yet another day off. Said she needed "me time". How many days does that witch need off in a row," Julia grumbles.

"Girl, I know you're just burying yourself in work. Seriously can't you forgive your soulmates for one little oops," Beth cajoles.

"How would you feel if you spent time flirting with your soulmates and they did it right back only to find out...find out..." Julia stutters tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh girl. That's it after you finish up here, we're going to have a drink and talk, ok?" Beth suggests.

Julia nods and keeps working while Beth sits nearby patiently waiting.

Half an hour later...

Beth is walking out of the library with Julia arm in arm towards their favorite bar/hangout spot. Julia sighs when she sees where they're headed.

"C'mon girl one drink won't hurt you any. Besides we haven't had a girl's night out in a long time, and I think when those soulmates of yours get back your nights are gonna be full of them," Beth says with a smile and a wink.

Julia shrugs "Not sure about that anymore Beth. I just think I won't fit into their group, I'll just ruin what they have right now."

"Jules stop being so negative. Those three are gonna worship you like the goddess they know you are. You are their queen to their kings. Trust me when they'll never cheat on you and never ever look at another woman," Beth assures her.

"But..." Julia begins.

"No buts, let's go in and get our drinks. I'll explain hopefully more of what your guys' preferences are, ok?"

Julia nods and walks in with her. They take a seat at a table and a server wanders over to ask what they want to drink that night.

"I'll have a strawberry frozen margarita please and my friend will have a white Russian," Beth says ordering for them both.

The server nods and heads over to the bar to put in their orders. Julia gives Beth a look and Beth just shrugs as if to say why not with a grin.

While waiting for their drinks the door opens and the strong scent of jasmine perfume wafted in. Julia and Beth almost gagged on the smell.

"Oh god does she bathe in that shit?" Beth asks holding her nose.

Bianca turns as she hears this and wrinkles her nose "I thought I could smell riff raff in here. The property level just dropped, well if you must be here at least sit down wind of me."

"Then go sit at the bar where the rest of the hookers sit while the rest of us sit at tables away from her gracious highness," Beth snarked back at her.

One of the patrons sitting in the back of the bar saluted Beth and drank their drink. She just listened to see if she should intervene; the guys had her keep an eye on their soulmate while they were gone.

"I will, but that's because I am high class and you two are nothing, but rubbish under my shoes. I also see your friend doesn't have her three bodyguards with her this evening. Well boy do I have news for her," Bianca said about bubbling over with excitement.

The figure in the back slides her chair back quietly and moves in the shadows waiting to make her move.

"What do you mean Bianca?" Julia asked quietly.

"Oh, you mean you don't know? This news is too delicious not to share," Bianca was about bouncing on her feet, "Your soulmates are..."

"You say missing Bianca and I will rip all of your hair out by the roots," Beth threatens standing up.

Bianca pouts "You took away the surprise. That's what your friend gets for taking three fine specimens of men off the market."

Beth shrieks with anger and goes to swing at Bianca. A hand stops her from hitting Bianca, then that same hand gives the offending woman a right hook to her jaw. Bianca falls to the floor grabbing her reddening cheek.

"How dare you? Who the hell do you think you are?" Bianca shrieks

"I'm her bodyguard," Nat says motioning to Julia, "And you need to leave now."

Bianca scrambles to her feet and runs out of the bar. Nat turns to the two girls.

"You might want to stay sitting for this you two," Nat gestures to the chairs and takes a seat herself.

"I'm guessing what she said is true. They're missing, aren't they?" Julia asks quietly.

"Sorry to tell you this, but yes they are missing. They went off radar a week ago and we haven't been able to find them," Nat explained gently and pulled two sets of dog tags from her pocket along with a dagger.

Julia covers her mouth with a gasp tears in her eyes, "No they can't be. I was so mad at them; I didn't even get to..."

"Shh Jules I'm sure they're still alive. Sorry to ask, but who are you to Julia's soulmates?" Beth asks.

"I'm Natasha Romanov otherwise known as the black widow and they tasked me with keeping an eye on Julia here while they were gone. They felt bad leaving the way they did, so they wanted me to keep her safe. My next task though is to get them back and that is where I will need both of your help," Nat says looking at both of them.

"You need our help?" Beth asks again.

"Yes, I do. You see they keep their soul marks hidden so enemies won't use each other against the other as weakness. They don't know that they have a fourth in their soul marks, so you can easily go in and get them out of wherever they are without a hint of conspiracy," Nat explains.

"I don't think I can do this," Julia says rubbing her arms, "I was so mad at them before they left."

"All the more reason to get them back. Think about it, use your anger to get them out. Then you can blackmail them into giving you whatever you want just to make it up to you. I'm guessing they didn't tell you that they liked both men and women, did they?" Nat asked.

"No, they didn't Ms. Romanov and she isn't sure how to approach that subject. She feels like she's in the way now," Beth explains.

"Oh sweetie, trust me they want you and only you. All they could talk about before they left was how they could make it up to you when they got back. They felt absolutely terrible and guess what you can use that to your advantage alright? Now here's what we're going to do," Nat says beginning to outline her plan.

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