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A half hour later the four of them are walking towards the guys' favorite diner for breakfast. They wanted to treat their girl to a great breakfast and show her off in the process.

Instead of the clothes she packed Julia was wearing a black vest with pants and a green blouse underneath along with some low heeled oxfords on her feet. Bucky insisted she wear one of his bomber jackets, so she didn't get cold. That earned him a kiss on the cheek for his thoughtfulness. Her arms were linked with Steve and Bucky as they walked giving them equal time with her on the walk. Loki opened the door for her earning him a kiss as well.

The one waitress walked up to them "Your same booth guys? Umm who is this, you normally never bring a girl with you, what's going on?"

Julia looks ashamed and tries to pull her arms from Bucky along with Steve. They don't let her go and walk her to the booth. Steve puts her on the inside of the booth before sitting next to her. He puts his arm around her shoulders pulling her close and kisses her temple. Loki and Bucky sit across from them.

"This is our soulmate. The final piece of our puzzle my dear," Loki says smiling.

"Really? I thought your fourth would be a bit better looking," the waitress says pulling out a notepad.

Julia hides her face into Steve's shoulder while Bucky reaches across to hold her hand. Loki's face flushes with anger.

"If you speak that way about our soulmate again, you can guarantee we will never darken this establishment's door and you will not receive a tip today," Loki promises.

"Ok, ok geez tough crowd. So, your usual guys, tea for Loki and coffee for my soldier boys?" the waitress asks with a grin, then turns to Julia, " And you miss?"

"Coffee please," Julia says quietly.

"Very good. I'll bring those right over to you," she gives a bright smile to the guys, but it vanishes when she looks over at the woman huddled by Steve.

As the waitress walked away Bucky rubbed his thumb over Julia's hand trying to comfort her. Loki waves his hand making a beautiful red rose appear for her. He presents it to Julia, who blushes and smiles before reaching for it.

"Thank you, my trickster god," she says bringing it to her nose to smell it.

"A rose for our rose. Nothing less for you my dear," he says with a smile.

After he hands over the flower their waitress returns with their drinks. She hands over the guys' drinks with care and when it comes to Julia's cup, she slides it over the table making some spill.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss clumsy me," the waitress says with a sugary sweet tone.

"It's ok," Julia replies grabbing a napkin to clean up the little bit that ended up on the table.

"The usual breakfast for you guys?" the waitress asks pulling out her notepad again.

All three guys nod and she scribbles it on the note pad "And for her?"

"I'll have some strawberry filled crepes with whipped cream please," Julia requests.

"Sure thing. That will be right up for you," she writes the rest and walks away quickly to put the order in.

When the waitress leaves Loki waves his hand again and the rose becomes a silver necklace with a red rose tipped with lavender pendant. Julia's eyes open wide.

"This is gorgeous, you don't have to...the clothes are more than enough," Julia breathes.

Loki smiles and waves his hand putting it on her "It is unique just as you are my dear. You are our rose, our treasure, our goddess and our queen. Don't ever forget that."

The waitress wanders over to see if the guys need any refills and is shocked when she sees the girl with them is wearing a rose necklace that she wasn't before. Red blooms on her cheeks as anger fills her eyes, 'how dare this bitch take my biggest tippers from me, I was supposed to be their fourth not this ugly mouse'. Putting on a fake smile she gives the guys their refills and presses her breasts to Steve's arm. When she pours into Julia's cup, she spills a bit into her lap pulling a gasp of pain from her mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss so clumsy of me. Let me get a cloth for you, it wouldn't do to ruin that pretty outfit you're wearing," she walks away to get a cloth.

Julia gasps in pain "I think I should leave guys. You would get better service if I did."

"No, you are staying put sweetheart. I'll help with that pain," Loki waves his hand taking away the heat and cleaning the clothes, "She just won't be getting a tip today is all."

The bell above the door rings again and Beth walks in. She sees the group and walks over her smile dieing as she notices the look on her friend's face.

"What happened?" she asked.

"It was nothing Beth. The waitress was just clumsy and spilled the coffee," Julia explained.

"Clumsy my ass. She poured that coffee in your lap, didn't she?"

Julia didn't answer, she didn't want to get the waitress in trouble. Steve hugs her close to him, Bucky's hands are clenched into fists. Beth growls and walks over to where the waitress is getting a high five from Bianca for pouring that coffee in Julia's lap. She taps her on her shoulder.

"Yes?" the waitress says turning around.

"This is how you treat customers?" Beth asks her hands on her hips.

"That is how I treat interlopers for trespassing on my property."

"Your property? I hate to tell you this girlfriend, but she has their marks on her. So, ding ding bitch she's their soulmate, go fishing in another pond," Beth responds.

"That ugly mouse isn't their soulmate. They are too hot to be hers."

"Oh, stuff it and if you say one more bad thing about my best friend, I'm gonna slap the shit out of you."

"I dare you," the waitress taunts.

"You asked for it," Beth rears back and slaps the waitress hard.

Before an all out brawl can occur Loki grabs Beth "That's enough. I think she's learned her lesson and we'll be cancelling our order. We will not be returning here."

Nat walks in "Hey what's going...oh boy. Ok guys let's get out of here before more of a fight breaks out."

Steve pulls Julia out from the booth and keeps her close under his arm. Bucky follows them and shakes his head at the waitress. Julia stays with her two soldiers as they wait for Loki, Nat and Beth to walk out of the diner.

"Did I do something wrong?" Julia wonders quietly

"No sweetheart you didn't do anything wrong, she's just jealous is all," Steve reassured her.

"But why pour coffee on me?"

"To hurt you and hurt us doll face," Bucky said his one hand clenching into a fist.

"She didn't get her way you two, thanks to Beth and Nat here that waitress has lost her job," Loki says striding over to them Beth and Nat on his heels.

"You ok girl?" Beth asks walking over to her friend.

"Yeah, thanks to my guys here I wasn't burned too badly by that coffee. It was scalding hot," she says trying to hide her wince and failing miserably.

"I thought I got it before you were hurt," Loki says feeling bad.

"You got to me before it got really bad Loki, I'm not mad at you. At least you saved these beautiful clothes," Julia says with a weak smile.

"Why don't we take you back to our place and we'll have a lazy day in alright?" Steve suggests rubbing her shoulder.

Julia nods "Why don't Beth and Nat come along as well? I could use some girl time, not that I don't love spending time with my big strong teddy bears."

The guys chuckle "Sure not a problem," Loki agrees with a smile.

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