-Chapter 4-

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I have no excuse, things sucks when I didn't prepare a mental scenario before. When the writing becomes good, that's when you can say I dreamed about it at 2 am.



You had everything you needed: flour, eggs, sugar, other things unknown to you, and lots of chocolate chips. But like, a lot.

"Chris, I don't think we should go outside of the recipe. This is too much chocolate, we might as well make hot chocolate." You said, looking worriedly at the giant cup in front of you.

"No it's not, it's a reasonable amount." Chris answered, continuing to pour down more chocolate.

"Where the fuck did you learn that word?" Michael exclaimed from the couch.

"I don't know what it means."

The older looked at you two, before taking a deep breath. "You're going to destroy your own kitchen, are you?"

"Probably not if we use a reasonable amount of chocolate chips." You answered, still a bit happy that you could talking so easily with him.

With a grunt, he got up from the couch and came over to the kitchen aisle, where the ingredients were positioned.

"What are you doing?" You asked, jumping a few centimeters away from him, so that his shoulder wouldn't touch yours.

"Preventing a fire. I might not have the best personality in the world, but at least I know how to make sure that the oven doesn't blow up." He responded, starting to follow step by step the recipe.

This was surely a part of him that you never saw, or perhaps, it was because you never saw him at all outside the quick glances in class. After all, you never talked before the ribbon accident, and you were sure that he was going to start annoying you because of that, probably like he does with Chris.
For now he didn't do anything, but it could be only a matter of time, so even if baking cookies with Michael Afton looked like a dream, you still needed to be cautious.

Minutes later and nothing caught on fire, the brothers got along pretty well, and you were able to spend time with your little friend and your crush. All because of Freddy Fazbear's and his defective electricity.

"I have a question for both of you." You started, gathering the attention of the two boys. "What is your father working on in the basement? Your mother mentioned this before going out."

You first looked at Chris, who just shrugged his shoulders, telling you that he didn't know because he wasn't allowed to go in there while his father was there. In hope of gathering some info, you looked over Michael too.

He quickly glanced at you, before going back to the dough he was stirring.

"An animatronic, for the new sister location of Circus Baby's Pizza world, or something like that. He wanted to make it just for his daughter, so you can tell who the favorite child is." He had a bittersweet smile on his face as he started to stir with more strength.

You put a hand on his shoulder, while doing the same on Chris' head, looking between the two.

"Well, at least you're my favorites." You smiled, only to achieve a dry response from the older.

"I don't even know what your real name is."

"Afton, take the compliment and continue to stir that dough, you ungrateful little birch."

Suddenly your face went white, literally, as he threw a fistful of flour in your face. Good, now I'll get the salmonella from eating flour.

When you reopened your eyes, after carefully brushing off the white powder, he was in your same condition. Turns out Chris was tall enough to reach the bag of flour, and got revenge on your behalf.

The Kind Ghost of Hurricane (Michael Afton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now