Chapter 2

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After testing out his newfound abilities for half an hour, Yuri ran blindly on the path to wherever it may lead. Thanks to his powers, he could sprint ten times faster than your average track and field athlete on drugs and beyond.

"Wow, I'm fast as hell!" He cried out. "But can I glide? I forgot to test that."

As he was sprinting, he leaped into the air and propelled himself forward. "Glide!" He shouted, causing him to spread out his arms like wings and glide through the air.

"I'm flying!" He cried out. "I'm flying! I'm flying- OH SHIT I'M FLYING!"

He had a minor fear of heights since he was a kid due to his trip at an amusement park.

"How do I maintain?!" He exclaimed out as he was falling to the ground. "Glide!" He shouted, using his power to lift himself a few feet in the air and continue gliding.

"Oh, that was close," he said. "Now I need to land somehow."

He thought about the ways he could land, but as he was falling, he couldn't come up with one.

"Do I just have to let myself crash onto the ground?" he questioned as he fell. "Fuck it, brace for impact!"

When he hit the ground, he bounced on the path like a basketball multiple times before finally rolling into the side of the road.

"I guess I'm not going to get used to this anytime soon," he said as he got up and sprinted on the path once again.


"Now, what's this?" He said while looking at some signs on the road. The path led to an intersection or some sorts. He ran towards the center of the intersection and looked around.

"Where do these paths lead to?" He questioned.

There were five paths in total, including the one he had come from. Each path had a sign indicating its destination.

The first path had a sign saying, "Griffon."

The second one said, "Waterfalls."

The third one where he came from said, "The Great Templar Forest. [DANGER] People prohibited from travelling alone."

The warning sent shivers down his spine, since he had seen the skeleton on the side of the road on that path previously. He began to wonder what creatures might lie in that forest, hiding and waiting for any prey to appear.

The fourth and fifth paths were overgrown with grass and vegetation, suggesting that they had not been used for a long time and the destinations they led to had been abandoned. There were no signs indicating where they led.

"Okay, the waterfalls sounds like a tourist attraction," he said. "Let's go to the town."

He now sprinted on the path leading to the place.


City of Akatsan, Nation of Aeros - 1895

A woman dressed in formal clothing rushed through the halls of the castle towards the throne room where the king sat. The castle guards allowed her entry, and she carried with her an item concealed in a white cloth.

The king stood up from his throne, eager to hear the results of the summoning.

"So, how did it go?" The king asked. "What does the summon look like?"

There was a brief pause until the woman spoke, "Y-Your majesty, the summoning was a failure."

Chattering erupted in the throne room. "What?" "This is the first time it's happened!" "What will the king do?"

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