Chapter 7

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Hendran Noble Village, Minson Province

A man raced through the halls of a mansion, his footsteps echoed loudly against the polished marble floors. The once-grand estate had fallen silent, and the air was thick with an eerie stillness that sent shivers down his spine. His heart raced as he desperately searched for a place to hide. He had come to the mansion to meet with the Baron, hoping to have a discussion with him about the state of the province, but he had never expected to find the estate in such chaos.

As he stumbled through the halls, he could hear the sound of footsteps and voices getting closer. The man's heart pounded in his chest as he heard the screeching of metal blades against the walls. He pressed himself against the wall, trying to make himself as small as possible as he peeked around the corner to see the intruder passing by. 

 It was a female beastkin fox wielding dual cleavers, with blood dripping from the blades and bits of flesh still stuck on them. The girl looked satisfied, with an eerie smile on her face and her eyes empty of any emotion. The feeling of terror and dread washed over the man as he hid behind the wall.

'Did they send someone to assassinate the baron?!' He exclaimed in his thoughts.

Suddenly, a scream rang out in the hallway where the girl was at. A guard wearing knight's armor charged towards the intruder, wielding a longsword. The man watched the fight as the girl easily dodged the attack before swerving around to strike the guard from behind. The sound of metal piercing through armor could be heard throughout the halls as the blade created a weak spot on the armor. The man winced as he saw the blade pierce through the guard's chest, mortally wounding him.

The man screamed in pain. The girl now pulled her blade out of his back and kicked him to the ground. She then walked towards the guard who was on the floor, bleeding out from his wound. She aimed her blade on his neck and sliced it, decapitating him.

The man retreated into hiding as he now thought about how can he escape this situation. However, when he took a step backwards, he accidentally stepped on some glass shards scattered around from the broken windows to his left. The girl heard this and walked towards the place where the sound was. Terrified, the man quickly ran away, alerting the girl of his presence.

"Trying to run away?!" The girl cried out as she readied her blades to slice him.

Suddenly, the man slipped on the bloodstained floor, causing him to fall face-first onto the ground. The girl slowed down her pace as she neared her victim. The man crawled on all fours, too terrified to stand up on his own. He looked behind him and saw the girl, eyeing at him with bloodlust.

"P-Please!" He cried out. "Spare me!"

The girl raised her blades and threw them at the man. Feeling that he was about to die, he braced himself for the blow.


Yuri stood on top of a hill, overlooking the mansion in the distance. He could see that the windows were covered in blood, and the entire estate was engulfed in silence. He wondered if Eliss's killing spree would come to an end due to a powerful person interrupting her.

"Eh, I'm sure she's going to get stopped by someone who's pretty strong," he said with a shrug. "It happens all the time in anime shows, right? Guy gets cornered, and then someone comes out of nowhere to save him at the nick of time."

He paused for a moment. "This world might follow that logic too! All those movie and anime tropes could be applied here."

There was a brief moment of silence before he let out a low chuckle. "Then that means, some overpowered bastards could emerge out of nowhere and mess up my experience here."

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