Chapter 16

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A few days later...


["Dead or Alive: 200 Gold"]

["Investigation on recent assassination of Cedrici Vasqel - currently searching for..."]

These are some of the posters Yuri saw in the newsboard at the entrance of the hotel he was staying at. Looking at the papers, he saw multiple of Eliss' face plastered on them, indicating that she's been going on a rampage for a while now. She even got a nickname since they didn't knew her name.

("Twinblade Beast")


"I think I should meet up with her now and talk about this... I can't let her get killed by some busted hero that she's gonna piss off sometime in the future..."

He entered the hotel and went up to his room to grab the gear that he got from the previous dungeon he raided: the silver sword, which may possess something interesting, and the bracelet that did nothing other than to look like a fancy accessory.

Exiting the building, he looked around. "Tallest building in the city... is over there."


"Wait a second, how am I going to find her anyways?! And how's she going to find me?! I probably didn't give any explanation to her about the location..."

"Was she waiting all along at the top since the beginning and I didn't come even after a few weeks?!"

"Fuck... things just got complicated... I didn't think this through... I just ran away without a thought back at the forest and left her there!"

"I gotta come up with an explanation for that... uhm..."


"I can't think of anything-- UGH! J-Just scratch that, it'll probably work out somehow."


"Nah, it's not going to work out because... uuuh..."

... "I can't explain it."

"FUCK-- scratch that again. I'm just gonna find her and call her to the location instead."

"So... how the hell am I going to find her in this big-ass city? It's not like I have a radar detector or somethi--"





A sudden pulse surged from Yuri, and his vision turned red. His surroundings lit up as a white ring expanded outward from him like a sonar ping. It spread rapidly, covering the whole city within seconds.

After a few moments, the ring returned. His face made a smirk in response.

"That was easy."

He then jumped on top of a building and rushed towards the epicenter of the ring he received when he enabled the ability

Jumping, gliding, and sprinting from rooftop to rooftop, he quickly made his way towards the place where Eliss might be located; and after a couple of minutes, he presumably arrived where the ring originated: a shopping market, filled to the brim with vendors and customers.

Numerous stalls stood beside a road and in an open space. Vendors called out to the shoppers to buy their products, while the latter looked around for anything interesting to buy.

Yuri stood at the edge of a tall building, looking down on the scenery.


His vision turned red and a ring pulsed out of his location yet again. The ring swept the market, and created another ring around a dark hooded figure and marked its body with a glowing red aura from inside. His normal vision returned after a few moments.

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