Chapter 5

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Yuri took a deep breath as he stood on the rooftop, overlooking the city. His heart was racing with excitement from the adrenaline rush of his recent encounter.

"I can't believe I just did that. But I can't let it get to my head. The last thing I need is to attract unwanted attention," he muttered to himself. "That's going to get me killed!"

"I need to be careful. I don't know what kind of people are out there. But at the same time, I can't just stand by and watch innocent people suffer," he said, and after a few seconds, he bursts out in laughter.


"Like I fucking care about those people except for the ones I know," he exclaimed as he began to run on the rooftops.

As Yuri made his way across, he could hear a commotion coming from the street below. Looking down, he saw that a car crash had just occurred, and the drivers were now arguing loudly about who was at fault.

"How unlucky," he said as he continued on his sprint. 

After a bit, he stopped at a place where there's a flat surface, allowing him to lay down and stargaze.

It was entirely different from the skies back on Earth. All that he could see back there were a few twinkling white dots and a few constellations. But here, he could see everything. He then began to think of all the possible planets out there with similar aspects to this world. He imagined aliens having magic, now that would be a sight to see.

"Ah, the cold air breeze, the cold rock-hard ground, and the night sky," he exclaimed as he closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.

"Hah~ this feels nice."

"Indeed, it does," a voice of a little girl cuts in.


There was a brief silence, until Yuri stood up and looked to his right.


A girl with bright orange hair suddenly appeared before Yuri, catching him off guard. She was wearing a vibrant yellow jacket that contrasted with her hair and a green skirt that swirled around her as she was balancing on one foot on a concrete wall. 

She looked like a mischievous kid, with her small nose and cheeks. Her outfit and appearance seemed to radiate happiness and joy, bringing a warm feeling to the chilly night air, but to him, she just looked like a child who lost her mom in a shopping mall.

"Didn't notice me, did you?" She said, dropping down from the wall.

"The hell did you come from?" Yuri asked as he sat on the cold floor.

"The name's Jen, yours?" She asked.

"Should I tell you my name?" Yuri hesitantly replied.

"Just tell me," Jen said.

"The name's Yuri," he answered.

"That's a girl's name," Jen commented.

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."






"Nevermind, let's get to the topic," Jen stopped the chain. "Why are you up here by the way?"

"Stargazing?" Yuri replied.

"Alright, answer this: Why don't you have any mana?" Jen asked as she kept twirling around.

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