Chapter 8

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'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--'  Yuri screamed in his thoughts. 'If she knew where the quote came from, I would definitely die from cringe.'

'What the fuck am I even doing?!'  He exclaimed in his mind. 'At this rate, I'll create an edgy powerful cult with me at the center!'

There was a brief pause in his head.

'Actually, it's not that bad I think,'  he thought. 'I get to have incredibly powerful servants that can rival the strongest fighters on this world, and they can basically do whatever dangerous task I present them.'

'From spywork to assassination plans, If I have a ton of literal bio-weapons serving me, It's going to be a repeat of the plot from Prototype 2,'  he continued. 'If I just hold back and not plan some kind of event that creates an apocalypse like what Mercer planned to do, everything will be fine.'

'Why do I have to explain this to myself all over again?'

'Alright, now let's think about Eliss and her purpose,'  he thought. 'I'm sure she doesn't trust me much, but with a bit of love and some kindness given to her, and with the help of anime logic on my side, she'll come to trust me sooner or later.'

He looked over to Eliss, who was currently contemplating the words he had said earlier.

"Blacklight," Eliss muttered. "Is it the name of the power you've given to me?"

"Yeah," Yuri replied. "Now, let me ask you a question."

"Do you have any experience in CQB?" He asked.

"C-Kyu-Be?" Eliss became confused. "What's that?"

'Wait, she doesn't know?'  He thought. 'Damn.'

"Eh-hem, I mean do you have any experience in combat?" He clarified. 

Eliss raised an eyebrow. "N-No?"

"Then, how do you explain that?" Yuri pointed over to the mansion Eliss raided earlier, which was covered in flames. Burnt debris began to fall out of the walls while local firefighters were trying to put out the flames.

Her eyes widened in surprise that she was the one that caused all of that in under an hour. She didn't even realized her physical abilities were improved when she went out in a rampage against them. 

"You didn't even realize how strong you are now?" Yuri said. "Well, I guess you were extremely eager to beat them all up and chop up their bodies eh?"

"Alright, I'm gonna show you something," he said, slowly walking away from her. "Be right back."

Yuri sprinted towards the nearby town, disappearing from sight. After a couple of minutes, he came back with a man wearing a stylish uniform in his hands. The man tried to struggle, but to no avail.


The man was punched suddenly in the abdomen by Yuri, causing his stomach to rupture entirely, and making him puke out blood.

'Oooo-- That was a bit too hard...'  He thought.  'I just picked up a random guy near the burning mansion.'

'He may be bad, he may be innocent, but I'll shrug it off and let him get consumed by her.' He thought as he went near Eliss and grabbed her hand. 'You'll serve as a subject, sorry mate.'

"Eliss, meet..." Yuri looked at his golden nametag on his chest, seeing the name [Trestan] written in bold. "Officer Trestan Nevel."

"Wait, what are you-" Eliss was suddenly cut off by Yuri. 

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