Chapter 11

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"Shit! I gotta escape!" Yuri exclaimed as he struggled to run due to the bags being a distraction. "I can't just leave these things here, these things are expensive as hell!"

Countless people ran past him, bumped into him to escape the building. It was pure chaos inside, and Yuri was getting worried.

He looked to his right, and saw people collapse the moment they entered the blue-green mist without any protection. Yuri immediately thought that it was some kind of sleeper gas that makes people fall into a deep slumber.

'Fuck, where should I go?!'

He looked all around him, and saw that he was cornered from all sides. Suddenly, people began collapsing out of nowhere near him even though they didn't inhale the substance yet. In just a few moments, Yuri began to cough like he had a lung disease.

"I- *** is it from the ga--*** gas?!"

"*** What the fu--*** fuck is *** *** happening?! ***"

Yuri dropped his bags in a corner and grabbed his cloth placed in the pocket of his shirt. He then looked around and saw a glass bottle filled with water. He took it, opened the cap, and poured water all over the cloth, then placed it on his face. His lungs slowly calmed down, and he was able to breathe normally again.

'I'm fucking cornered, the gas is about to envelop me, so I need to brace myself for the worst.'

He tightened his grip on the cloth and huddled next to his shopping bags, hoping to stay conscious during the event.


The market fell silent as the gas continued to spread through the air. From the outside, the building looked like it radiated death from every angle due to the smoke seeping out of the establishment. Law enforcement arrived within minutes, but without the necessary tools and equipment to deal with the threat, they had to wait for the bigger guns to arrive.

Inside, three people dressed in black robes walked through the silent market with grey masks on their faces, skipping over the sleeping bodies of the customers who had fallen unconscious. They slowly made their way to the center of the market, where they found a girl dressed in a white robe, similar to those worn by female saints. One of them pulled out what appeared to be a pair of handcuffs and approached her, studying her face before making a gesture to the others behind him.

"Good," the other man replied. "Cuff her up."

The man grabbed her arms and placed the handcuffs tightly around her wrists. He then put her limp body over his shoulder and nodded to the others.

"Illyha?" the man looked at the female member of the team. "Deal with the guards."

The girl was a beastkin cat, holstering a small pistol at her right waist and a pouch to her left. She walked towards one of the sleeping bodies of what seemed to be the bodyguards of the girl. She pulled out a kunai from the pouch and threw it onto the neck of the person, instantly killing him. She then proceeded to repeat the same action to a few more people, before returning to her team.

"All done," she reported. "They won't be waking up anymore."

"Obviously," he remarked while pulling out what looked like a transceiver from his vest inside the robe. He turned it on and talked to the other side.

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