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dear diary,
i watched titanic for the first time today and i bawled while watching it. im already so damn mentally drained i don't think it was a good idea to watch it.

anyways, our semester one exam marks came back and i did pretty well in some subjects and absolute trash in the rest. i mean that's okay because im used to it. but on the better side, I PASSED MY BIO EXAM LIKE OMG IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT?? im PROUD AS FUCK to say that i got 89/100 after studying hard for it and you do not know how fucking happy i am. despite being so sick i still managed to get that much which is excellent. im proud of myself. i got least in english, i got 45/100. i mean what can i do, it's not my strongest subject. changbin got 60/100 in english because chan taught him and he practiced. proud of my boy.

and you know what happened yesterday? i couldn't sleep so i took out my phone, played (romantic) songs and i made the perfect man in my head. weird, i know but creating fictional characters in your head is the best thing you can do when you're bored because what better than to fall in love with people that don't exist.

OKAY, SO IM GOING TO DESCRIBE HIM HUHUHU. imma go with personality first since that matters so much more than looks.

he is introverted, just like me, but once you get to know him, he's like a ball of sunshine, you will never get bored when you're with him. he's really loud and chaotic but that's the fun part of him, i get to be chaotic with him only because im chaotic asf with people im close with. he's really sweet and kind, he's emotionally driven so he's kinda sensitive but that's okay. he's really funny, makes the weirdest jokes which are actually funny. he's really weird but a good weird. you'd have so much fun with him and would want to spend time with him all the time. he does kinda have anger issues though (why did i put that in my ideal boyfriend, fucking hell). he flirts at every chance he gets, he'll call you baby, love, darling and every other romantic word to ever exist. this fictional person doesn't even exist but he makes me feel like the most important person in the world, if you feel down he'll comfort you in the best way possible. he may not know how to cook but he'll always try his best at trying to make something for you. he puts words together in the most poetic way ever, he really loves music and has a passion for it. the kindest and most amazing person to ever exist in my head.

now for looks, they aren't important but you know, why not?

first of all, hes ethereal, so etheral, he doesnt even look real (what am i even saying, he ISNT real) just like how i have a thing for guys with glasses, he has glasses, of course. he wears thin frame glasses, let's just assume that he's fucking blind without them. he wears contact lenses when needed, but mostly the glasses. he has chubby cheeks, he looks like either a squirrel or a quokka. he has the most wholesome smile, a smile that literally lights up my world. his smile is perfect. he's a bit shorter than me, not like i mind the height. age? i don't care honestly, but the only thing i don't want is someone like 11 years younger or like 14 years older or something, no. maximum of four years both ways. he switches his hair color and how long he wants it to be based on his mood. not that often though, he prefers medium length hair. he has chocolate brown eyes that are so pretty. his whole existence in my mind is so pretty. he's the epitome of beauty in my eyes like goodness how much prettier can a human get?

this guy i created in my head is so perfect, he definitely doesn't exist. it's just a creation of a fictional character in my head. ok this is it, i wrote too much, i need to buy some snacks since kwannie is sleeping over here today, byee

- love, min <3


also do yall want some writing in this book or are you all okay with just min's diary entries? actually, i'll do a bit of writing to give some insights on the scene minho is trying to describe in his diary

s e o n g h w a  m y  l o v e  < 3

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