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dear diary,
it's been over a year. over a year since i last wrote in this diary except for when i wrote on new year; last year. i graduated school, im waiting to turn eighteen to start university. im kidding, im already in university, i wish i was in school though. so much happened these two years, it's so hard to describe. it's too much to describe but i'll try my best. i was so busy with 12th grade i completely forgot about this diary.

after my 11th, by that time wonu graduated school. he became close friends with one of the popular guys -- mingyu. im not too sure about their status right now, they moved abroad after 12th. changbin left the school after his 10th since his parents weren't satisfied with this school. this only left me with seungkwan. well he kinda fell sick and didn't come almost half the year but still aced his exams and managed to pass. i was lonely most of the year except for a few days when kwannie would come back and apologize for not being there with me at school. we used to talk constantly though, after i went home i'd call him in the hospital and talk to him. i was the only other person he could talk to at that time other than vernon; a boy who moved abroad after finishing his 11th in korea.

i heard from changbin that after 12th chan moved back to australia. im currently in a university in new york. i was forced to learn english since i moved here and im telling you i went through hell. i got a job here, im renting an apartment here since i can't live with my cats at the uni dorms. actually no i wish that was the case because i live in the stupid dorms with my cats. i have a roommate who's (luckily) korean. hes like my only friend here and we speak korean with each other. we're honestly pretty close (very close)its so different here honestly, i love it but i hate it. i haven't made a single friend (seonghwa exists i don't know what im talking) here ever since i moved here and it's been almost a year since i moved. goodness it's so fucking lonely? the only amazing beings i have with me are my 3 cats. im not popular  a t  a l l.

you know, i have my eye on a guy here, i don't know his name or anything, he isn't very popular either. he's really pretty. so damn pretty. he's always hanging out with a teddy bear looking boy who's also adorable. or sometimes i catch him alone in the garden or the cafeteria. no, im not a stalker.

i found out he lives in the dorms. in the dorms near mine. it's just a block away.

i don't even know how i saw him. it just happened. i was walking along the shore at the beach -- staring at the water waves of summer and i suddenly happened to see him walking too. i found myself staring at him the whole time. i thought i'd never see him again but no, i saw him at university. i was so happy when i did. i don't even know his personality but im so in love with his beauty. he looked pretty much exactly like my ideal type; the dude i wrote about in this diary 2 years back.

it's not even funny how much i like him and i don't even know him. i don't even know his name but i like him, stupid, i know.

he has the smile of an angel, lights up my dark world. he's so small, he looks tiny and it's adorable. and just like my idea, type; he wears glasses. them thin frame glasses always attract me i swear.

okay this is it, i need to write more and start updating about my love life here. in the future when i read it i will know how it went and miss the memories

- love, min


im going to be doing a good amount of writing in the chapters coming later so yas be prepared, this is just the beginning 👹💥

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