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It hasn't even been two weeks that me and my family came here and I'm already grounded, and I gave Aonung a blow job. Well wasn't it dad who told us to behave? This is my way of behaving.

I kept snapping my bracelet on my hand as my mom chopped up some fruit. I went to grab some but she pulled the bowl away and I looked at her. I'm not even allowed to eat? I haven't had anything all day, this isn't how grounding works! I rolled my eyes and kept snapping harder making my mom side eye me.

My dad walked in "we're having dinner with Tonowari and his family today, dress nice, behave and no funny business with his son." My dad said looking at me "so I am allowed to eat. Interesting" I rolled my eyes and looked back at him. He looked at my mom confused and saw her eating fruit so he understood and looked back at me laughing slightly.

I rolled my eyes and laid down trying to get a nap to get over my hunger. I woke up after what felt like an eternity with my stomach growling expecting that I have any food. I looked around and I was alone again.

I'm not the type of person to like being alone with nothing to do. I looked around for something to eat but nothing. There was literally nothing to eat. I looked at the sun which was almost at its eclipse meaning that they already ate lunch and it was finally almost time for dinner.

So this is what being grounded will be like? Me not eating anything and just sitting around? I got ready for dinner with Tonowaris family and just sat there fidgeting waiting for my parents to come and get me.

I don't get why my mom is being like this, instead of being happy that I wasn't dead or anything she was mad. Me and her usually talk and stuff, she knows what I do with boys and we like spending time with eachother, but now she mad mad. Every time she glares at me I feel like she'll kill me.

I got up and walked along with my mum, my siblings behind and my dad walking infront leading us. Since he's da man 😎.

We finally got there and as we entered we were greeted by a smiling Tonowari. I didn't bother looking at him as my eye went directly to Aonung whom I smiled to as he smirked back. I went over and sat next to him leaning to his ear "hey sneaky link" I said smiling as wich smile he returned. I looked around as Ronal brought some fish in. Fish? Again? Really?

As everyone sat down Neteyam my beloved twin came and sat between me and Aonung, he knows something that he isn't supposed to know.

"I don't like the way Aonung Looks at you, keep close to me" he said and held my hand reassuringly, although I didn't need reassuring i wanted his attention. I wanted him. I needed him. I gave Neteyam a smile as I saw Ronal who gave me a leaf plate with fish and Rice inside which rice I ate, the only thing I didn't crave right now was fish, it's so.. fishy. I can't understand how these people have been eating this food their whole lives with no other option.

I didn't leave one piece of rice behind, I was still hungry but I'll try to get some fruit later. I looked over to Loak and Tsireya who were chatting and laughing, then at Kiri and Rotxo and then my eye caught Neteyam and Aonung, Talking? Interesting.

I looked over and saw my dad and my mom chatting with Aonungs, I looked around their pod, there were some weapons hanging in one corner where there were some gear and a weird top for fishing? I'm guessing. In another corner we're Ronals Tsahik equipment and in a part there were their Tsahik and Oloeyktan clothing items.

They're clan is truly mesmerising, the clothing is different than the ones in the forest.

The forest

With Aonung and everything else I totally forgot for the forest. I really missed it there but I guess I was just trying to push my feelings back. I tried to contain my tears. I placed my leaf plate down and got up whispering that I'll go outside to take a breath to my dad as he looked at me worried noticing my teary eyes.

I went outside and tears started falling down my eyes unable to stop them from dropping to the ground like light rain. I kept sobbing till I felt footsteps approaching on the bouncy net thing. I looked back and saw Aonung.

I tried wiping my tears but he came from behind me "hey I know we said no emotional connection, but what's wrong?" I looked back at him, the only thing I saw in his eyes was the reef.

He had his one hand on the small of my back and the other holding my one hand. I felt some more tears fall down my face as I looked down. Aonung then lifted his hand up to my face cupping it and wipping my tears with his thumb.

Then my beloved twin came out of the pod looking at me worried "Ri, what happened?" He asked as I rushed over to his grasp hugging him tightly letting tears keep rolling down my cheeks.

Aonung went back inside as me and Neteyam sat on the edge our feet dipped in the water as I laid my head on his shoulder with his around around my body warming the parts that he held warm.

"I miss the forest Neteyam, and I know you do too" I said looking at the distance. I felt him sigh and kiss the crown of my head. "I know you do sister, I felt better after talking about it with mom, you just tend to keep your feelings bottled up. Why don't you talk to me Ri?" I felt tears forming In my eyes again

"mama doesn't want to talk to me now" I said exhaling a breath I didn't know I held. "I just miss everything, our friends, ma, our freedom, the way we knew every part of the forest even the parts we weren't supposed to be going to and our bond"

I felt Neteyam shift at the last sentence "we still have the same bond Ri, all of us, we just haven't had some us time in a while" I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks neteyam" I hugged him tightly as he patted my head on the back part. Opening my eyes I saw Aonung looking at us from the entrance of his Marui pod and I smiled over to him.

"I'm gonna go get some rest, can you bring me back some food?" I looked at him smiling "sure Ri" he said kissing my forehead and walking off with Aonung.

"I'm gonna go get some rest, can you bring me back some food?" I looked at him smiling "sure Ri" he said kissing my forehead and walking off with Aonung

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Finally got a Neteyam and Rivikiwa part for y'all, they're relationship is just 🧑‍🍳💋.

Also Rivikiwa has 4 fingers including her thumb so she has the same hand as Neytiri and neteyam and every other Na'vi

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