Truth or dare

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This one will be added to ok :)

Ships:most server 

It was the end of the hermit weekly meeting and Grian asked "should we do truth or dare since we can" and everyone simultaneously replied "Yes"

"Scar truth or dare" Grian asked 

"Since I'm such a daring hotguy I have to say dare" scar said proudly.

"Ok then kiss the prettiest person in the room" said Grian tauntingly

"Okay if your saying that come here handsome" said scar flirtatiously 

As Grian approached scar, worryingly, he said "why me what do you want with me"

As this was said scar pecked Grian on the cheek 

This will get added to I just can't think what to add for now :)

Pt 2 

"Ok then scar who you asking" said Xisuma whilst Grian was muttering in shock with Mumbo comforting him.

"Ok bdubs... (whispering to Xisuma) wait what do I say now"

Whispering as a reply to scar "you ask truth or dare and wait for his answer"

"Oh Uhm Bdubs  truth or dare" asked scar nervously

"Truth" Bdubs said whilst looking at muttering Grian 

"Ok do you have a crush on someone is this room" scar asked in a taunting manor

"Yes" replied bdubs timidly 

"Who" everyone said in unison even a still muttering Grian 

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" said bdubs whilst trying to leave the room 

"WHO" Said everyone except Grian who was cowering in a corner hoping it wasn't him 

"Beef" said bdubs as he ran away 

Well this was a long one wasn't it  and muttering Grian will continue :)

Part 3 

"Ok since bdubs ran away I think I should get to ask someone" said beef 

"Sounds fair enough" answered Xisuma who was now also comforting corner Grian 

"Ok hmmmm Pearl truth or dare"  said beef 

"I'll say dare since your not getting to know nothing out of me haha"

"Ok then I give you five minutes to go get a pufferfish in the most complex way"said beef as if he just proved something wrong 

"Haha easy I know exactly where to go" said Pearl in an almost taunting manor 

Pearlescent moon left the game 

Private messages to Grian

Pearl:Grian in five minutes I need you to get Scott on the server can you do that 

Grian: Of course he's been on before when I smuggled him in 

Pearl : Uhm ok see y'a soon

Grian: bye 

"Ok everyone whilst we wait anyone have a good truth to ask someone" said beef knowing they would be waiting  a wee while for Pearl to come back 

"Me" Grian said coming out of the corner after 10 minutes of being there 

"Huh ok who you asking" said beef mildly confused 

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