Road trip pt2 songs

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"I want to choose a song" deranged bdubs said groggily 

"Hmm fine but start forming a list whilst it's playing" Grian said accepting his fate 

"I want the moss by cosmo sheldrake" bdubs said whilst hugging his moss hoodie 

"Hmm ok" Grian said 

As the song was put on bdubs laid on impulse and he started humming 

As the songs final bits of tune was playing and bdubs asleep in impulse's lap

"Our turn we've got four songs" said Pearl authoritatively 

"Ok then" Grian said knowing that they wouldn't choose a stupid song 

"I'll go first then Scott then Cleo then Martyn" Pearl replied then she added

"Oh and I want Take me to war by the crane wives" 

"Nice choice" Cleo said 

The four at the back took turns singing this song with them always giving pearl the chorus 

As the song finished Scott said "Grian get on allies or enemies" 

"Ok" Grian said as the song started to play 

As this song played Scott took the chorus with Cleo the pre chorus and pearl the rest Martyn did infact just sit and hum

This song ended and Cleo asked for her song which was tongues  and teeth with her just singing along to all of it 

Words: 205

I was busy with school lol but I'll add more and just saying I need suggestions for 





So help please 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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