Soulmates-mild angst

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As I approached Pearl and I was scared as this was our first reunion after double life 

And we both know how that went 

"Don't come any closer" stated Pearl angrily 

"I'm.... Sorry for deserting you" Scott said quietly 

"I Don't want to Hear it you... you left me with Martyn" she spat out his name like it was poison

"I know that and I'm sorry is there anything I can do to make you be friends again" said Scott apologetically 

"Well... there is one thing that will help" said Pearl almost regretting it 

"What is it I'm willing to do anything" Scott said hopefully 

"Find me two things Martyn and Tilly" Pearl said with a long sigh in the middle 

"I'll be back soon"

Scott was overjoyed he wanted to be friends with Pearl and this was his chance 


Scott:Hey Martyn 

Martyn:Hey Scott 

Scott:Can you do a favourable for me please 

Martyn:What for?

Scott:I need you to come visit Pearl with me 

Martyn: ಠ_ಠ 

Scott: she's fine just angry

Martyn: uhhh fine I'll go give me two minutes 

InTheLittleWood joined the game

"Martyn!!?!" Shouted pearl confused 

"Yes Martyn and here's Tilly" Scott said whilst showing pearl a wolf with the name Tilly 

"Pearl I'm so sorry it was my fault I deserted you after our soulmates did 

"It's fine the fact you came is enough" Pearl said happily 

Pearl and Scott then embraced 

Hello 230 words -a/ n and I'm happy with it 

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