It all came to the end - limited life spoilers

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"It's just us three left" impulse said to me and Scott 

"We go down to under one hour to go and fight to the death" suggested Scott 

"That's fine I've got lava" said Martyn opening up the lava bucket 

Smajor1995 burned in lava

InTheLittleWood burned in lava 

ImpulseSV burned in lava 

"Ready" said Scott 

"I don't want to play little games" I said maliciously whilst striking down Scott

Smajor1995 was slain by InTheLittleWood

"WAIT WH-" impulse got cut off when I struck him down 

ImpulseSV was slain by InTheLittleWood

Smajor1995: smite him Grian 

Grian: ok

InTheLittleWood fell off of the world 

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