Road trip- fluff

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"Guys road trip time" Sais Grian whilst rounding everyone up 

"I call front seats" said scar for him and Grian 

"We call the back " said Pearl as she was holding Tilly and pointing at Martyn Scott and Cleo 

"Ren needs fresh air so he gets a window" said Bigb who was waking up a sleeping ren 

"We don't care as long as we can do a boat ride at some point when we're there" said Joel and etho 

"We've planned that guys" said Grian as he shuffled the people on to the back 

"Where's Jimmy" tango asked whilst looking confused and worried 

"I'm here" said Jimmy groggily 

"BDUBS GET OUT OF THERE" shouted impulse as he was getting a deranged bdubs out an empty bath (he has clothes on ok)

"Everyone on and I'll let you all choose one or two songs"

"WOOO" shouted bdubs as they started travelling 


Words 149

I really enjoyed writing this and I'll make a chapter two of  the songs and sing alongs that happen and the drives is just there 

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