Child support-clockers Drabble

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"Pay up Mr.slab" said the judge 

"I will not pay the child support if I have one of our children" chuckled Mr.slab 

"Yea and who is that" said Cleo apprehensively 

"Our oldest bdubs" said Mr.slab 

"No he's at my house right now unless"

"UNLESS WHAT" stormed the judge 

"Unless he's been kidnapped or scar done  his thing..."

"What thing has he got into" said Mr.slab Sceptically 

"Arson" said Cleo murmuring 

"Why is the fire alarm going off here"

"SCAR STOP" Cleo shouted 

Then we heard a Faint  "sorry mom"

"Mr.slab you will pay child support no matter what"

"SCAR STOP" we could hear bdubs shouting 

100 words on the dot -a/n

I waited an hour for this to be after midnight lol

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