-The Bigger Person- (J.O)

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-Wasteland Baby-

-Jenna Ortega-


You weren't much of a fan of social events, large crowds or anything of the sort. And you often found one on one conversations stressful as well. Honestly you have no idea how you managed to get into acting.

You remembered your first day, feeling like a replacement, largely because you were. It felt like yesterday when you were told that you didn't get the part of Xavier Thorpe in Wednesday, but you do remember them saying that if anything goes wrong, you'd be contacted.

'That's ridiculous' You thought to yourself. 'Why would anyone want to pass up an opportunity like this'. Then the show came out, and the man who beat you for your role was catapulted into fame, with fans across the world.

You weren't much of a religious man either, but you liked to think that God or some other high lifeform was looking down on you as you received a call from the casting directors.

You went online and saw it all, all the accusations, whether they were true or not, you didn't have much time to worry about it, as you would have to take a trip to Romania to begin filming in a week.

Your first day was a weird on to be sure, you felt like a new dog that the family had only got to deal with their old dog who bit a kid and had to be put down. Extensive background checks took place to make sure you were suited.

Not only were you suited, but you were practically perfect for the role, they even had to tell you to make certain social media profiles, like a Twitter or Instagram.

You walked onto set and were instantly bombarded with friends and happiness, which was quite weird for you, as you had always thought of yourself as nothing special. But you were relieved that almost all of the castmates went out of their way to talk to you.

In fact, there was only one castmate who went out of  their way not to talk to you. And of course it had to be Jenna Ortega. When the two of you weren't in character, she avoided you like the plague.

You had initially thought that it was just because she couldn't handle the casting change, that her and Percy were best friends and she didn't even want you casted in the first place.

But then Emma told you differently, that Percy and Jenna were not the best of friends, and that Percy acted quite creepy towards her, trying to make her drink or get high when they were alone.

Which is why it confused you why she avoided you, maybe she just didn't like talking to people, something you could understand, but then she'd be all buddy buddy with other cast mates.

It didn't make sense, especially when you got the script. It was common knowledge that Jenna was now overseeing a lot of the script writing, and she was very against Wednesday having a love interest, as she felt like it went against her character.

So why did she write two separate scenes of Xavier and Wednesday kissing? And why was Xavier written so differently, before Xavier was a whiny annoying brat, now he was a kind hunky character. If you changed the names, there would be no recognising Xavier.

But then season 2 came out, and so did the fan edits. So many of them, you were practically hailed as one of the best recasting's in history. Views and ratings skyrocketed for the season, and a third season was greenlit only 2 weeks later.

Wasteland Baby (Jenna Ortega Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now