-Secret Admirer- (H.D)

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-Wasteland Baby-

-Harley Diaz-


Your life was boring, to say the least, you were only sixteen, you had your whole life ahead of you, but why did you feel like there was a piece missing.

You had friends, family, got good grades in school, but something still felt out of place, you thought to yourself as you walked through the halls.

Love. Yeah, that was probably it, you've never really experienced love, or at least, what you thought love was at your age.

Sure, the occasional girl would look your way, giving more than friendly glance, but they didn't seem to stick around long.

You had heard a rumour that a pretty popular girl had a crush on you, but when you approached her, she seemed to get cold feet, looking almost scared.

The idea, the dream of being wanted played around in your mind, as you approached your locker, staring at it for a while.

"Hey-" You heard a voice behind you call out, snapping you out of your delusion.

"AH!" You jumped, turning around to see a girl with a shocked look on her face, no doubt at your sudden yell.

That girl was Harley, of course it was, in retrospect you didn't really know who else it would be, the two of you had been friends for so long you'd lost count.

She had a look on her face, the type of look that could really only be described as a look, not discernible even to the smartest minds.

"Oh...uh...hey..." You breathed out, slightly awkward from the sudden movement.

The look became slightly clearer, potentially embarrassment, like she knew she had done something wrong, but what was still a mystery.

"Yeah...hey...bye" Harley said, practically darting off.

You knew she had definitely done something wrong, you'd have to bring it up when you went to her house next, most likely after school.

You opened your locker to see a red envelope fall out, sealed with a tiger sticker, the letter fell onto the floor as you looked to it in confusion.

"Come on come on...pick it up..." Harley whispered, hiding behind a corner.

Then it dawned on her just how creepy she was being, too nervous to tell you how she truly felt, since she was 10, yet confident enough to send you on a scavenger hunt.

You opened the letter, reading the insides, Harley intended for the letter to have a jovial and playful sense, it didn't come across that way.

Dearest Y/N,

I see you all the time,

You've helped though thick and thin,

I want to show you just how much you mean to me,

Let the games begin.

Wasteland Baby (Jenna Ortega Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now