-Crush- (K.T)

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-Wasteland Baby-

-Katie Torres-

-Not Requested-

"Cats foot, iron claw

Neuro surgeons scream for more 

At paranoias poison door

21st century schizoid man" 

Music blared from your headphones as you checked your hair early in the morning, mornings were always the best time for you, it gave you complete privacy, since both your parents worked all day, it left the house pretty much for yourself.

However sometimes you weren't always in as much privacy as you would like, since staring through her window and into your bedroom in a totally not creepy way was your next door neighbour.

"KATIE COME ON!" Nando said, bursting into his sisters room, startling her. "Uh...what are you doing?"

"N-nothing, I'll be in in a second" Katie excused herself, however Nando rushed to the window she was looking out.

"Oooh...you were looking at Y/N weren't you?" Nando teased as Katie drew her curtains.

"No...maybe" She sighed. "Doesn't matter anyway, they'd never notice me, their too cool for that. That's why I need to go to that concert" 

"Well...it is yes day...expect the unexpected" Nando ominously said.

"What does that mean?" Katie asked, but received no answer as Nando walked off.

"Death seed, blind man's greed

Poets starving, children's bleed

Nothing he's got, he really needs

21st century schizoid man"

The Torres family scrambled into the car, eager to begin their yes day, and while Carlos struggled to get the car started, Nando started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Nando's mother asked, knowing the answer.

"You two look ridiculous" Nando chuckled. "Imagine if Y/N saw us" 

"What does Y/N have to do with this?" Carlos asked, as Katie began to shrink into herself.

"BECAUSE KATIE HAS A HUGE CRU-" Nando began to yell, but Katie put her hand around his mouth.

"Torres?" Katie heard a familiar voice call out, she looked out her window to see you, music playing from your headphones and wearing a pair of sunglasses that obstructed your eyes.

"Oh uh...Y/N...hi" Katie said, incredibly embarrassed with herself. You looked over to the front to see her parents in less that normal attire.

"Liking the new clothes" You flashed a grin at the two, causing Katies face to heat up.

"Thank you Y/N" Carlos said proudly. "What can I help you with?"

"Oh, just letting Nando know I'll be there" You assured the two parents, who looked confused.

"Uh...ready for what" Allison, Katies mother asked.

"I was given instructions not to tell you" You grinned, before turning to Katie. "See ya round Torres"

"Uh...b-bye" Katie stuttered as you walked off. "Nando...what were they talking about?" 

"You'll see...expect the unexpected" Nando grinned, as the group drove off.

Wasteland Baby (Jenna Ortega Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now