Call me like you used to

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The next day, the princess didn't show up in the dining room where the royal family had lunch with a handful of guests.
Becky could only recognise the king and the princess's brother, prince Ratchanon. Becky's spirit lifted a bit seeing the prince. They had been good friends back then even though they fought half the time.

Becky and the rest of the girls had been following other maids around the entire day before and most of the morning. They were required to get educated on what to do and what to avoid in the royal household.

Becky was sleep deprived, confused and sad. None of what transpired the day before made sense to her. Did the princess really forget about her? She didn't know what had gone wrong. Is she still not wanted in the palace? The thought was depressing. She just wanted to go and take a nap.

"Can we retire to our rooms? We have been standing here for so long." It was Irin who asked.

"No. And please lower your voice," was the curt reply from the head maid. "You are here to watch so you learn fast."

Right then, the head chef and some of the cooks came in with glass trays filled with dissert. The head maid stopped them, instructed Becky and Irin to take the trays and deliver them to the dining table.

Becky was a natural, she looked as if she knew how to handle the situation and how to approach the royals. She did it with so much grace and familiarity, Irin couldn't help but notice. When the trays were positioned on the table, Becky stepped away, letting the chef take over.
She really wanted to greet the prince but she thought she would have a chance later.

Becky glanced up to meet the prince's eyes.
"Becca, is it really you or am I mistaken?" Prince Non asked, with unmasked surprise.

"Yes, your highness. You're not mistaken."

At the far end of the table, the king did something very uncharacteristic of a king. He actually stood up, alarm written all over his face as he scrutinised Becky.

"Father, please be seated. Everything is fine." Prince Non spoke in a low voice, effectively getting his father's attention. The king nodded and sat down.

All the guests at the table could sense the discomfort radiating from the king but none knew what was going on.

Becky excused herself. Irin simply followed Becky as she had the impression that Becky knew what she was doing.

"Care to tell me what just happened now?" An impatient Irin enquired as soon as they exited the dining hall.

"My mom used to work as a maid here when I was little," Becky replied.

"Wow, why did you leave?"

Becky turned and properly faced Irin to answer, "It's a long story. I could shorten it but I don't really feel like talking about it and I hope you understand."

"Okay. But just know that I am all ears when you decide to feel like sharing."

All the maids were having lunch but Becky was outside, in the big royal garden. She didn't need food now. All the disappointments had filled up her stomach for her to feel hungry.

Her feet unconsciously led her to the spot where her childhood self used to visit quite often.
"Where did it go?" Becky muttered to herself. What she was seeing was another separate, partially enclosed garden in place of the small, crumbling, dilapidated two-storey house that used to stand there.

She walked closer to see none other than the princess standing arms-crossed inside the enclosed garden. Becky was not ready to face the princess after what happened the other day but it was too late. The princess was looking straight at her and it would be awkward to turn and leave.
She willed herself to face the situation. She had too many questions for the princess as well.
Her heart was pounding loud as she approached the princess. She could hardly hear her footsteps.

"What are you doing here? Who sent you out here?", The tone the princess used was cold and devoid of any emotions that Becky wanted to cry.

"I wasn't sent here by anyone, your highness," Becky answered, swallowing hard right after.

"I see." The princess continued, " I need to remind you that this place is off limits. I assume our head maid had informed you as well."

"Don't you remember me?" Becky asked, her voice coming out a little louder than a whisper.

The princess smirked at the question as if she found the question very funny.
"Did you genuinely think I have memory loss problems, Miss Patricia? I remember you perfectly fine." The princess responded, stopping briefly to look Becky up and down.

Becky was too stunned to talk. The woman in front of her was nothing like the sweet little princess she knew all those years ago.

"I am curious though," Princess Sarocha continued, "Why did you come here?"

"I came because I feel indebted", Becky replied, her nails dug into the skin of her palms at how hard she was balling her fists.

"We have staff shortage now as I had recently fired a batch. I do think there are so much work to do here. Don't waste your time."

Becky nodded once and left. She didn't want the princess to see her this vulnerable. She walked straight to the maids' quarters and went to her shared room. She felt utterly miserable. She wiped her tears before they could fall off. She couldn't let herself cry. It was not worth it, or was it?
It stung the most recalling how the princess adressed her by her middle name. How she missed being called 'Becca' by her princess.

"If this is how its going to be, then be it. It's just one year. I have to serve them. At least I will be free of the guilt I have carried for so long."

Chapter 2 ends here. Really, I am asking to the few of you reading, please don't forget to drop a comment. I don't even know if you guys are reading.
I hope you enjoyed.
Btw Becca and Freen's childhood memory will be flashed next chapter.

Oh and some info:
There was an old building right where Princess Freen's tulip garden is.
That was the place Freen and Bec went to play when they were little.
Now it's turned into a tulip garden.
You can guess in whose memory the princess planted the tulips.
And yes the prince is the younger bro of the princess. It's NOP 😹
Ken Chan will also play an important role in the coming chapters.
Bye for now.

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