Enter the Trouble

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The princess of Aries along with her entourage were welcomed in a grand manner in the West Kingdom. The only person missing being Lady Nam. The place was highly decorated for the ball that was happening in a few days. The great halls with high ceilings had beautiful chandeliers, and the marble floor glistened. Becky walked behind the Princess and her butler, along with the other maids and guards, admiring the place. The whole setting was quite small compared to Aries palace but the place looked expensive. The new King, along with his wife received Princess Sarocha. They seemed very excited to meet the princess of Aries. The new queen curtsied very low, Becky almost thought she was purposely exaggerating. The King bowed a little and Princess Sarocha mirrored the king. "It is an honour to have you, Princess of Aries, here in my palace. Welcome again." The king spoke in his deep voice. He looked around 40 and had a clean-cut beard. "You have lovely-looking ladies with you" He continued, looking at Becky.
Becky blushed a little at the unexpected comment.
Becky always stood out, not just because she was pretty but because her facial features differed from most mongoloid populace.

After the royals engaged in a quick formal conversation, the royal butler of the West kingdom proposed to show around the palace since the place was renovated and adorned with decorations, to which the Princess politely declined.

"Your Highness, perhaps, they want to get acquainted with the surroundings," Aries's royal butler told Princess Sarocha, hinting that the opportunity should not be missed. Princess Sarocha subtly nodded.

"You may take them. They would love to explore His Majesty's beautiful place" Aries Butler addressed West Butler.

The maids and some of the guards bowed before the royals before they began to follow West Butler.

"You," Princess Sarocha called out and everyone abruptly turned their heads towards the princess. Becky's throat ran dry when she realised the princess was looking at her. "Y-Yes your highness"

"All of you" The princess scanned her group swiftly. "Stay together"


As the princess was the first royal to arrive, she was at liberty to choose the guest room of her liking. Not surprisingly, she chose the grandest room available. It took her men half an hour to check every nook and corner of the room for anything off or suspicious before the princess commanded her men to bring in all of her belongings. The princess put the newly acquired key to the large room on the bedside table and ran her hand on the very white sheets of the king-sized canopy bed.
"Change this" she spoke.


The royal ball was going to be the next day and most of the royals and aristocrats from neighbouring and far-off kingdoms had arrived one after the other.
It was evening already and the royals were having conversations over tea with musicians playing music in the background. The place was very peaceful with a beautiful fountain in the middle and white roses all around with perfectly manicured hedges. There were also sculptures scattered around, making the place look like a place of dreams.
It was also the place where the royals would have a grand tea party the day after the ball.

Becky and the maids from many other kingdoms were tugged at the sides waiting to attend to their Prince and Princesses when needed. Everywhere she stood, she would overhear conversations concerning the princess of Aries. Some maids had pure admiration for the princess but others had some snide remarks for her. But mostly, it was admiration.

It was so easy for one's eyes to just land on the princess of Aries. Her beauty and charm were an eye magnet. Every royal and nobleman and noblewoman Becky saw was beautiful in their own way but she would not be lying when she said the princess of Aries was the most goddess-like. And it seemed, other people also took notice of that. She was always surrounded by people. Her beauty and power attracted people like moths to fire. Everyone wanted to be recognised by her. But everyone also seemed to keep their distance.

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