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It was 9 am and the princess hadn't woken up. The head maid carefully turned the lock and cracked open the door and got inside to find the princess asleep. She was the only one entrusted with a key to the princess's room besides the king. The head maid soundlessly walked across the room all the way to the other side to draw the curtains to the large window open. She didn't want to wake the princess but she also couldn't risk making the princess sleep for too long. It was like a double edged sword for her having to deal with the princess in mornings like these. She wouldn't know whether to wake the princess up or to let her sleep some more. Because, if she tried to wake her up, the princess would reprimand her for disturbing her sleep. If she decided not to wake the princess up, again she would be on the receiving end of another hostile bout for not waking her up on time. The elderly head maid didnt like mornings one bit, especially mornings like these.
There had been countless maids either thrown out of the palace or sent directly to the torture room when they were entrusted with the task of waking the princess up in the mornings. In the end, this arduous task had to be taken care of by the head maid herself as she was the only one the princess couldn't fire as she was like a second mother to the princess.

She slowly pulled the huge window curtains to let some of the sunlight in, thinking the sunlight would wake the sleeping princess up naturally.

When she had waited for about half an hour and the princess didn't stir, she decided it couldn't go on.
News had been sent earlier that an envoy from the kingdom of Hamon was to arrive soon to discuss some matters on trade and since the princess was back in the palace, the king had asked to see his daughter before they sat down with the envoy.
The king knew his children well. HE knew his son inclined a little towards justice and had deep compassion and was charitable whereas his daughter excelled in matters of dealing with trade and the like, her selfish and greedy nature coupled with her charisma always assured the maximum possible profit in any trade with the neighbouring kingdoms.

"Your highness", the head maid called out, standing on the far left of the princess's grand bed.
"Princess Sarocha?", she called again.
Silence answered her.
She could wake her up by shaking like a normal human but the princess didn't like being touched so she had to resort to using different soft tones until the princess awoke.

"It's almost 10, your highness. Your father, his majesty asked your presence in his study",

"Mami, send for my brother. I didn't get much sleep yet." Was the muffled reply the head maid heard. She felt a little at ease as the princess sounded very calm and non threatening. "Your highness, I believe your brother hasn't arrived yet."

The princess cracked open her eyes and let out a soft groan. " what's the time?"

"It's 12 minutes to 10, your highness."

"Tell father I'll come soon."

"Princess, might I inform you, we are expecting an envoy from Hamon in the afternoon."

The princess groaned louder this time.

"Alright Mami, just go, will you? I want breakfast in 15 minutes."

"As you wish, your highness."


When the meeting was done, the princess had her tea in her father's study. It was one of those days where the weather was unexpectedly sweltering hot so she decided to have her tea indoors.

Evening approached fast and the king would still not let the princess go. Being a princess and the heir to the throne wasn't as breezy as people would believe. A good administration was always the result of hours and hours of data analysis, observation, meetings, discussions and deliberations. As much as the princess found it boring and demanding, she would not miss the chance to impress her father to continually assert herself as the deserving heir to his throne. She knew once she got ahold of the throne, she could do whatever she pleased. Until then, she had to show whatever respect there was to show her father lest her father would consider her brother for the throne of Aries as the majority of the people in the kingdom favoured her brother.

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