Hot and Cold

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Would you mindIf I loved you a little more?Because when you're around, My restlessness finds peace

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Would you mind
If I loved you a little more?
Because when you're around,
My restlessness finds peace.
When you're around,
The emptiness in my heart fills.
When you're around,
I feel whole again...

It was 4 o'clock and the princess had been patiently waiting for her afternoon tea in her garden. Her heart sank a little when she saw just the head chef coming to deliver her much-awaited beverage.
Had she been expecting a certain someone to tag along? She was sure she was not. She remembered all too well how she went and told the head maid to lay off Rebecca Patricia Armstrong from the palace only to later be objected to by her own brother. Prince Non wanted his sister to give Becky a chance and so, they came to the conclusion to limit Becky's tasks near the kitchen and to run errands outside the palace. Consequently, she had not seen the girl in exactly two days.

Not very long after she finished her tea, she found herself headed towards the royal kitchen, startling every servant and maid on the way. Some started to rub the dust off the already shining furniture and painting frames on the walls in an attempt to look busy.

She strode into the main kitchen and swept her gaze around the interior. Everyone present in the kitchen dared not move or make a single sound. The princess rarely visited the kitchen. It was a rare occasion.

"I just wanted to let you know that I want a change of my afternoon tea. I would prefer to have Manohari gold tea tomorrow."

She knew she could have just told the chef as he had been attending to her the whole time she sipped her tea but felt she needed to visit the kitchen herself.

She walked through the gallery, and the ballroom, and finally emerged in the royal garden. She had not done such a great physical workout in a long while and rightly so, she was a little out of breath when she finally got to the far end of the garden where Becky was playing with the royal ginger Persian cat. Close to her stood Heng, the gardener, with gloves on and casually playing with his hedge sears. He was completely turned towards Becky and clearly not doing his gardening at the moment. They were giggling and chatting away. The sight of which stirred emotions in the Princess which she didn't want to acknowledge.

"Pom Pom", the Princess called out. The Persian cat lazily ran to the princess upon hearing its name.

Becky stood up, hiding a little behind her friend, Heng, who bowed deeply at the princess.
Becky found herself bowing a little.

Standing there looking at the ground felt awkward, especially when everything turned really quiet.

"What brings you out here, your highness," Heng spoke to break the ice.

"What were you two doing?" The princess asked back, ignoring Heng's question.

"Your Highness, I was just-"

"Why is it that whenever I see you, you're having your free time, Miss Patricia?"

Becky bit down on her lip, unable to come up with a reply.

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