Shooting Star: Make a Wish

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Princess Sarocha woke up groggy and spiteful. She could swear she had been awake the entire night, which was true. She only ever fell asleep when the sun was just about to rise up. She also had a mild headache and worse of all, she was hungry.
Sleep deprived and hungry wasn't the best of combinations and every unfortunate soul that she would come across would be rendered a victim in the wake of her tumultuous wrath.

Luckily for Becky, she had already woken up, prepared clean water and laid out the basic toiletries for the princess's morning routine.

Princess Sarocha absentmindedly stared at the now empty spot on the floor where her maid had been sleeping on a futon. Looking at that area on the floor came easy to her like a habit. It was probably due to the fact that she spent half of her sleepless night staring at the sleeping figure of her maid.
A low grumble resonating from her stomach made her get off of the very uncomfortable excuse of a bed she had slept in.

It was well past 8 am and the village itself was already bustling with everyday activities.

Princess Sarocha opened the door to find one of her men already standing outside.
"My L-Lad- Your Highne- I mean, Lady Freen, They're all outside waiting"

"I believe my new name isn't really that hard to remember or pronounce." The princess spoke. "Make one more mistake and you're out of employment." She warned and strode through the corridor and then down the stairs.

They were all waiting for the princess in a shed. All laughter died down when the group acknowledged the arrival of the princess.
They had really planned to move earlier, the princess herself had planned it but no one had the guts to wake the princess up. Usually the maid was entrusted with such a task. Becky just wouldn't dare try to wake the princess up even if God came and begged her to. She would simply not do it.

"Shall we move, my lady?" One of the officials enquired.

"No", the princess curtly replied, eying a certain someone with an olive dress standing close to her brother. She noted that her maid had combed her hair and braided them and she somehow looked cleaner. That was good, the princess thought. Princess Sarocha was someone who couldn't tolerate seeing or being near dirty people or dirt of any sort.

"Get her a change of clothes so she can ride a goddamn horse on her own" the princess looked into the eyes of the official, who quickly looked down upon being looked at. "And most importantly, get her a horse too."

"But, my lady, that would take at least another twenty minutes. Please don't take it otherwise but we are already a little late."

"Are you questioning my decision?" The princess asked, her tone becoming a little dangerous.

"No, not at all. I will arrange a horse and a change of clothes right away."

"Send Mr. Pacha with some men ahead of us." Came the princess's further orders.

"As you wish, my lady."


Looking at the full mirror, Becky felt like a cowboy and she liked it. The thing she liked best about her entire outfit was her boots. She knew a quality product when she saw one. The cowboy hat she was given the previous day went perfectly with the pants and white buttoned up, lose shirt she had changed into. She randomly tucked the shirt into her brown pants and admired the boots once again. The very brown leather boots came up a little higher than her ankles. It had some intricate designs carved on the sides and most importantly, they fit like a glove. She gave a satisfactory nod facing the mirror in the changing room and exited the shop.

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