Hide and Seek in the West

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My heart yearns for the closeness we once shared and it wonders why you try to be so lonely, keeping me so apart from you...

After about an hour of socialising, it was finally time for the grand royal dinner which was to be served in the great dining hall. While every royal got ready for the meal, Princess Sarocha decided it was best to dine on her own in her own room.
"Are you suggesting we have a romantic dinner? Just the two of us?" Prince Saint playfully enquired.

"You must dine with them. The king and queen have set our chairs right next to them. It would be impolite for neither of us to be in attendance"

Prince Saint reluctantly nodded his head, his spirit dropping a little. He wanted to know why the princess suddenly wanted to eat alone but he wouldn't ask. He had a feeling he would get an evasive answer at most. "But I was eagerly anticipating the opportunity to spend some time with you."

Even if the Prince asked the reason, the princess was not prepared to tell him that she was terrified her maid would run away with some unpopular Prince of a poor kingdom.

The princess gave a little smile and the couple started heading towards the grand stairs together followed by Becky and others.

There was comfortable silence as they walked up the stairs and through the hallway towards the room where the princess stayed.
Becky was partly relieved the princess would be retiring to her room early. She had pleaded with Prince Chen to let her stay in Aries a little longer. But something about how he looked at her did not feel right. If she stayed around him longer, Becky was sure Prince Chen would come up with a plan to convince her to go back with him.
Becky heaved a sigh and she stopped as she realised they had already arrived at the princess's room.

She looked ahead and saw Prince Saint gently raising the princess's hand in his. Becky almost forgot about her problems and smiled a little. It was endearing to see the Prince be very gentle with the princess.

"I shall come to get you after dinner, My beautiful fiancée," Prince Saint said.

And just when Becky thought Prince Saint would turn and leave, he gently put his finger under the princess's chin, leaning down a little and planted a kiss right on the princess's lips.

Becky's smile dropped. She had never felt that uncomfortable seeing two lovers share a moment. She immediately looked away, running her fingers through her hair in a futile attempt to calm her raging heart. What was wrong with her?

Prince Saint left.

Becky and the other maid entered the princess's room as they were told to. For the past few days, Becky had been staying in a shared room with the maids she came with but today, it seemed like the princess needed company.

The princess had freshened up and was sat at the little dining chair in the grand room. No words were said. Becky sat on the intricately designed sofa in one corner of the room. She fidgeted with the hem of her blouse. The silence was very uncomfortable. Her friend had gone to bring some of the stuff she would need as the princess had ordered one of the maids to stay with her that night. Ultimately, she was the chosen one. She looked down at the sofa she was sitting on. It seemed like she would be sleeping on it as they did not bring sleeping futons to the palace. The maids were too provided beds.

After a while, trolley after trolley of food rolled in accompanied by chefs with tall and white toques on their heads. Aries butler walked in right after.

The princess picked the food she liked. From delicate appetisers to main courses. The food was served with meticulous care and attention to detail and the chefs waited for further orders from the princess of Aries.
The tantalising aroma of savoury flavours filled the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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