Sharing: an act of caring; Not in the Princess's Dictionary

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder


The princess had no business arriving at the West Kingdom that early. She had made her decision in a moment's rush and now, she could not back away from it.
As she strode through the hallway, an unpleasant thought nagged at her mind and she actually had to slow down.

She couldn't just leave the palace with the maid accompanying her. Her brother could follow her if he slightly cared for the maid. Princess Sarocha knew well enough that her brother did care, even if a little, for the maid. That could not happen. Princess Sarocha needed a diversion for her brother and she needed to act fast. The palace ritual that happened every two years fell the next day. She knew, that since her brother was back, her father would definitely want him to partake. That meant that she needed to leave very soon before her brother could make up an excuse to meet the maid again. For some godforsaken reason, Princess Sarocha absolutely couldn't stand seeing her brother and the maid being too friendly.

She swiftly turned and headed for her father's study, she needed to come up with anything to keep her brother busy. Anything

The guard at the large door announced the princess's arrival to the king.
The princess went in and greeted her father.

"Dear, what brings you here?" The King enquired from the other side of his table.

"Father, what of the two small islands off the coast of Jenepa we invaded a few months prior?"

The king intently listened, not understanding what his daughter was trying to get at. "What of it, dear? Haven't we taken care of everything already?"

"Yes, but Father, I need to send my brother to see if everything is under control."

"Worry not, my child." The king adjusted his glasses on his nose, trying to focus on a hand-written paper. "It is under our control. It's just tiny pieces of land with only a couple hundred people residing. There is no need to send your brother."

The princess walked closer to her father. She could just have sent her brother without the king's consent. But she had to come to ask first for the formalities of it.

"Father, may I remind you that my own brother had disobeyed me. He came back today to apologise for what he had done." A pause later, she added, "I will send him to go and assess the administration process of the two recently conquered islands. It doesn't matter if it takes 3 days for him to get there. His disobedience shouldn't' go unpunished. If he goes and does everything as I tell him, he can earn my confidence in him back."

The king simply stared at his daughter. He knew better than to meddle.
"Your brother has to take part in the ritual."

"I understand, father."
With that, Princess Sarocha turned to the door and signalled the guard to come in. The guard in question rushed a little and bowed.
"Send my brother here. Tell him it is urgent,"


The princess was in her grand dress-fitting room, making adjustments in the gowns she was going to take with her for the ball when the royal butler walked in, visibly out of breath.
"Your Highness," He called.

The royal butler hardly ever came and disturbed her like this. The princess dismissed her designers who had been attending her.

"What seems to be the rush?" She asked with her smooth voice, running her fingertips over the neatly pleated design of her gown over her waist area; she quite liked her red dress. She always felt crimson was her colour, the colour of blood. It gave her power and she felt as though red represented her the best.

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