Princess Wants, Princess Gets

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Princess Sarocha gently dabbed her mouth with the linen, golden-laced napkin, turning ever so slightly towards the palace butler who had been standing silently, waiting for her to finish up.
When he noticed the princess had done eating, he bowed a little again and proceeded to roll down the scroll he had been holding.

"Your highness, the formal invitation of the post-coronation royal ball of our west neighbor hosted by their new king is here."

"Cut to the chase, when must I reach?" The princess spoke.

"It says 15th of this month, the event will be on the day after, your highness."

"Make arrangements. We will leave my palace five days from now."

"Certainly, your highness. And, your highness, Prince Non, your brother, also got the invitation. What shall we do since his highness is not present in the palace?,"The butler asked. He did not want to mention the prince after what he happened but he had to.

Princess Sarocha stood, "It is sad that he will not go since he is not here."

The princess started walking off but stopped abruptly as if she had remembered something, "And I will require tighter security. We can never trust our western neighbour, can we?"

"I understand, your highness."

On her way out of the dining hall, the princess walked past the head maid, who, upon noticing the princess bowed slightly.


"Yes, my princess?"

"You are making sure Miss Patricia is eating properly, right?"

"Your highness, I did deliver her dinner myself last night but her roommate took over from the door."

"Mami, I specifically asked you to see to it yourself."

"My apologies, princess."

"Have you taken care of her breakfast and lunch this morning?"

"Not yet, your highness." The middle-aged woman replied, not properly comprehending why she was put into this position.

The princess's jaw clenched ever so slightly. She was annoyed. Her calm face could deceive anyone but people who have known her long enough would know she was not pleased at the moment and the head maid, being one of the people closest to the princess, did not fail to notice it.

"I'll take care of it right away, your highness."

The princess strode towards the exit.
Lady Nam hurriedly wiped her mouth, "Wait up,"

Lady Nam walked briskly in an unladylike manner to catch up to her cousin who wouldn't even spare a glance her way. "Where are we going now?"


However, she did not have to wonder for too long as it became apparent to her that they were headed in the direction of the maid's chamber.

"Let me guess." Nam said, "You are so bored that you now want to go and terrorise the poor kid."

"Why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't bother me at all" Nam continued, fixing her hair a little. "Just saying you need to find a better hobby."

The princess sighed. "I wonder what you are still doing in my palace. I already made it sufficiently clear I do not want to see you here anymore."

Lady Nam put a hand on her chest and let out a dramatic cry. "I am so hurt right now",

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