Rapier, A Weapon of Defence and Offence

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"Is it good?" The princess asked, holding a glass of water with both her hands.
Little Becky nodded her head as she chewed the lobster.
"You're lying" countered the princess with a roll of her eyes. "It's absolutely bland with zero amount of spice and not enough salt. It's just plain lobster you're tasting."

"But it tastes great like this" little Becky answered.

"My tastebuds will lose functionality if i keep ordering bland, tasteless food just so you can eat." The princess sighed.

"You didn't need to." Becky complained, mouth full of food, "I have plenty of food i can eat down in the pantry."

"They don't make lobster for everyone, do they?" The princess facepalmed.

"Oh, I thought-"

"Becca, stop talking and chew properly."

The princess slumped down on the wall just below the large window of her room that overlooked the beautiful full moon outside. The royal Princess and her little maid were sat on the carpeted floor of the princess's room. It was late in the night and the princess had called her maid in her room yet again to feed her the share of lobster she had snuck in for her little friend.

Little Becky nodded cutely and obeyed the princess.

"Good Becca" the princess said and watched with absolute delight as the little maid ate. She could argue that watching Becca eat was her absolute favourite thing to do.

"What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Becky raised her pointer finger up and waited until she swallowed the food in her mouth."Tuna sushi" she said.

"Really? You want me to die?" Princess Sarocha asked feigning anger.

Becky nodded an affirmative.

The large room was filled with giggles and laughter as the princess now tackled her little friend on the floor in a fit of tickles-attack.


Becky found herself awake earlier than normal. She could still not understand the onslaught of care and attention the princess showered her out of the blue. What did it all mean? Was she overthinking things or had the princess finally come to her senses?

A weary smile tugged on her lips. It had been the closest to holding hands with the princess like the old times when she dragged her all the way to the physician's quarter. And it had also been the closest she had been after a long while to the princess when she leaned in to check the scratch on her upper chest.
Becky absentmindedly grazed the scratch mark with her own finger, remembering how she had to hold her breath when the princess was inches away from her.
She brought her hands up and felt her cheeks as could feel blood rushing up her face.

"Irin" Becky called out from her bed. She didn't think her friend was awake but she still called her.

"Yes?" Irin answered, taking Becky by surprise. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. Just wondering why she decided to be kind to me when i was least expecting it." Becky said, slowly getting up and settling in a sitting position. "It's strange isn't it? She was giving me a hard time on purpose just the other day and every other day before that. I am just really confused. She's very difficult to understand."

Becky could hear Irin shift her position on her bed.
"Becky, I don't know how close you were back then but I really think she still cares a little for you. It's no surprise though. She probably thinks its nice to bully people when she's bored. That's probably the reason she has been giving you a hard time." Irin sighed. "She's a mean one.But aren't you lucky, You have the prince on your side. I think the prince is smitten with you." Irin laughed.

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