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No one's POV:

"MARIO! we're getting a call! And it's not from our mom this time!" Luigi says while slightly hopping.

"Thats amazing lu! Now what are we waiting for answer the call!" Mario says in an Excited and eager tone.

"Alright alright...super Mario Brothers!..
Uhuh, yeah we can fix that!...Alright we'll be there soon!" Luigi then hangs up and looks at mario.

"I can't believe we just got a call" mario jumps into luigi to a hug both laughing cheerfully.

"Alright lu let's go!"

They both get into the truck and buckle up.

Mario turns the key but the car doesn't start. "Aw cmon cmon??"

Luigi starts to panic, "we're gonna be late on our first gig?!"

"Oh no we're not let's go!" Mario hurries out the car and runs out with luigi slowly following behind.

(Time skip bc it's midnight, Sue me)

Both out of breathe

"W-we" Mario says getting back to his normal state.

"Okay..I'm ready now"

The brothers nod at eachother before stepping up to the doorway and knocking.


"Oh (p/n) that might be them!" You jog to the door stopping by a mirror close and fixing yourself up.

Taking a deep breath you walk to the door and open the door, appearing the brothers from the commercial.

"Ah thank you so much for coming so soon!" You say moving out of the way for them both to come inside.

"Its our pleasure ma'am" Luigi says tilting his hat slightly nervous.

"Nice place you got miss?.." mario says looking back at you.

"O-oh just (Y/N) is fine!" You say with a close eyed smile at the short male.

"This way" You lead them to your bathroom.

They both go in and observe the problem.

"So what had happened was I was tiding up the bathroom when I accidentally pulled something when I wasn't looking, t-then water started to leak out." You confessed while twiddling your fingers over embarrassment.

"Don't worry (Y/N) we can fix this." Mario says with confidence.

"Thank you so much!" You slightly bow while smiling at the two men.

"I'll be in the living room if you guys need anything." Then you walk away to greet your adorable pet turtle again.

I looked at mario and grinned ready to fix what you needed done.


"Alright luigi, turn on the water" Mario's says under the sink

"You sure your ready? You didn't sound positive" Luigi says sitting on the edge of the bath tub.

"I'm sure this time lu, turn it on!" Mario shoos his hand towards luigi still looking at the pipe.

"Alright alright" Luigi chuckles and then walks to the phoset.

"Agh!! I thought i had it this time?!" Mario's says while getting from under the sink soken wet.

Luigi laughs a little while mario rolls his eyes smiling.

"I'll go ask for a towel" Luigi then walks out the bathroom towards the living room.

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note: the way i felt a little pressure when i saw people actually reading this shit 😭

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