CHAPTER 8 part 5 💚

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CHAPTER 8 part 5 (Finale part to this parts thing)

(Y/N) soon wakes up and stretches and is met with the same Koopa you hugged yesterday.

"Oh, hello!" You say, looking down at the breakfast plate, he's brung.

You pet the Koopa before he gives you the plate.

"G-good morning ma'am, I've brung you breakfast so you can be ready to meet Bowser in an hour."

You thank the kind Koopa and watch him exit your room.

'Time to gobble this plate of goodness up 😈'



After (Y/N) got ready and met up with bowser in another room, it was time to teach the huge ass turtle some Rizz.

"Now, so what I want you to do is teach me how to propose to the most beautiful, talented, and coolest princess in the land to marry me!" Bowser says with enthusiasm in his voice, talking about his crush.

"Uh huh- uhm, do you know what she likes?"

"The color pink, flowers and a handsome turtle such as myself." Bowser lifts his eyebrows and poses in a manly matter.

(Y/N) giggles at his silly confidence.

"I've gotten a very powerful star for her as a gift and to show how much I love and adore her."


"A-awww!! So under that tough act- I MEAN.. so deep down you're a-actually a lover as well!" I wipe a little tear from my eye from how sweet this huge turtle is.

"Yeaahh," Bowser says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright, let's start this lesson."


Luigi couldn't take another second with a crazy adorable blue fire thing and an old monkey.

"Shut that thing up!!" The penguin king groans at the blue fires rambles.


"You've got the rizz bowser!" I then give Bowser a small high five.

"Now im positive the peaches will say yes and never even think about that mArIo guy."
Bowser says, chuckling at gus success.

"W-wait, you know mario?" I say, looking at Bowser so fast my neck would have probably broken how fast I turned.

"Well, yes, kamek here has been keeping an eye on him. Why? You find him attractive too???!" Bowser says with furrowed brows walking slowly to you.

"No no no no , no, no! uhm, no."

"Good, I can't have another person falling for the guy, plus he has a clone who wears green and is way taller than the shorty. HAH, isn't that right, kamek!!"

"Yes, your coolness!" kamek says, chuckling as well while bowing to bowser.

"His name is luigi," I say, turning around and looking out the window.

"I just met him not long ago, but I have this tingling feeling inside when I see him. His smile is so adorable! But I don't really know him so-..I don't know, " I say, closing my eyes daydreaming.


Bowser and kamek look at (Y/N) then to each other.

Bowser nudges kamek to (Y/N) to comfort (him/her/them).


I feel a hand on my back patting me.

I turn to see kamek looking out the window.

"You are interested in him, aren't you?" Kamek asks

"I don't know kamek! I don't even know the guy, but I get a feeling in me that wanna get to know him.." I say sighing.

"You should go out with this guy you speak of. What was his name-..oh luigi correct?"

"Y-yes, that's his name...oh! Do you know where he is?? Some little masked red cloke wearing dudes!"

"They must've taken them to the lava pit-.."

"LAVA PIT?? can we take him down??"

I plead kamek.

"I'll see what the king says. Please get some rest."

I give kamek a gentle hug, thanking his comfort.

"Goodnight, kamek."

He waves and takes you to your room.

note: NEW CHAPTER 😧😧

Note note: also, can you guys vote if yall want Bowser to have a goodish ending(not getting peach but keep peace around the lands) OR he gets the normal movie ending.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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