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You were sitting on the couch with your pet turtle, sleeping on your tummy, phone in hand, and humming to yourself.

"E-excuse me (Y/N)?" Luigi says from behind the couch.

You slowly pick up your pet turtle, getting up from where you were laying and flattening the pillow you were using, placing (p/n) on it.

You turn around and smile.

"Yes?" You say slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, I was wondering if you could give us a towel? My brother's having some trouble with the pipe heh" Luigi says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, sure! I'll go get it for you. " You start to walk off but then turn back to ask if they'd want some water or strawberry lemonade. (OR ANY DRINK TO YOUR LIKING 😭)

"Oh yes, please! I'll ask if mario wants something!" He says, sounding very grateful before speed walking to the bathroom.


after getting the towel and drinks, you go and check on your pet turtle while the brothers get ready to leave from fixing your pipe without your suprise, leaving any mess whatsoever.

"Welp, see ya (Y/N)!" Mario says while waving goodbye and luigi, following behind doing the same.

You wave goodbye with a smile on your face.

"Alright (p/n), let's go give you a bath before I have to leave soon," you quietly say while scratching your pet turtles shell gently.


You got done giving (p/n) a bath and were putting on your shoes to head out. You went in front of a full body mirror in your room to make sure you looked okay.


You sigh quietly and kind of frown, but you shake those negative thoughts out and pose.

You giggled then got your (purse/wallet/messenger bag??💀) and headed out the door, and yes, you walked you wasn't that far from where you needed to go.

(Already knows what imma do at this point -)


You've gotten your pet turtle some more food and a cute stuffed bunny for (p/n) to lay on when you're too busy for her/him.

Walking down the street, you see water flowing from under your shoes.

"W-what the.." You say out loud and backing up

Before you could see where the water was coming from, a sewage hole top came flying towards you, but luckily, you ducked.

Jeez I almost got knocked the fuck out by that??!?

You turned around to run from being sucked in but as soon as you tried getting ahold of a construction workers hand that was reaching out to you, you slipped and blacked out.

Ugh my head..

I open my eyes to see a huge pipe entrance.


You walk half way inside to then you were being pulled inside the pipe.
I close my eyes and scream holding on tightly to the stuffed bunny you bought for your pet turtle.

You was not bouta waste a good stuffed animal and was $30 bucks.

After some light was showing through my closed eyes I open my eyes to be in some kind of portal tube?

You rub your eyes hoping this was all a dream.

It wasn't.

Luigis POV:

"So that's why I ran in the bathroom kind of red-" as I was talking I was stopped by Mario's hand stopping me.

"What the heck happened here??" Mario says looking around at the destruction and horror of everyone's faces.

i follows after mario helping him lift a sewer hole top close to the brothers.

"Mario should we be doing this??" I says while trying to stay close due to mario basically running off.

"I don't know but I'm sure there's a way to stop this." Mario says still wondering around.

mario then points to a yellow steering .

"There! Come on lu"

Mario was now under a pipe holding on trying to get to the wheel.

"M-mario hurry!!" I says also being under the pipe holding on to dear life.

Before i could say another word he sees the wheel fall down.

"Oh no-"

we were both falling down with a fountain of water falling with us.

I don't know about mario but I was screaming my ass off


we fall into an abandoned type sewage?

"It looks like no ones been here for awhile.."

After wondering around I stumbled apon a huge pipe.

"Uh mario?.."


"Lu?..hey luigi??"

I say before seeing our red wrench.

"Lu?.." I quietly say before being sucked into the pipe.

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note: PLS OVER 400 PEOPLE IS READIN THIS?? Thank you 🥹🫶🏾

note note: ik I'm posting this kinda late BUT I WONT DO IT AGAIN.

note note note: pls tell me if I messed some of the POV moments up- I wasn't really awake while typing this.

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