CHAPTER 7 part 4 💚

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You looked like a mess to be meeting a king, and yes the Koopa did get you water after bugging the FUCK out of him.

"And who is this? Don't waste my time, I have to practice proposing."

The Koopa bowed then pushed you to bow.

If you were being honest you would have done something but you were kind of scared of the huge turtle.

He looks NOTHING like your pet turtle at home.

You internally gasp at the fact you had no one to check up on (p/n)

"Sir, this human came to me looking like a complete mess, and was wanting in the castle.-"

You hit the back of the Koopas head before he could even finish what he was saying.

"S-sorry! But you have no idea how far and long I walked to be talked bad about!!" You said angrily at the Koopa.

The Koopa grunted then point hus spear at you again.

"What shall we do with her sir?" He says already grinning of what's gonna happen next.

"WAIT." The Koopa king finally turns to look at you.

"Are you good at romantic stuff?" Bowser asks in a genuine tone

"U-uh yeah?" You say tilting your head.

"perfect!! Koopa take her to a guest room."

The Koopa looked shocked but just grunt and nodded.

"You, what is your name." King Koopa said looking straight into your soul

"M-my names (Y/N)...uhm yours?"

"We will discuss that when we meet again. Be ready tomorrow afternoon."

"Ooookay? Uhm..lead the way- Koopa right?"

The Koopa sighs "yes now let's go."


He had took you to a guest room. In a HUGE path down a hallway.

"Also..I wanted to say sorry for being unnecessarily rude.. I hope you can forgive me ma'am."

The Koopa says looking down and ashamed.

"Awwww i-its okay, you don't exactly know me"

You say with a smile on your face.

"Thank you ma'am I-" hmph

"Aaah I can't help myself, you are the cutest creature or thing I've seen all day!" You say squeezing the Koopa into a hug.

"A-ahem- thank you." The Koopa says after you let him go.

You then wave and go inside your room.


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