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*ੈ✩‧₊˚  ˚⋆ ┊  HEART TO HEART   ┊ ⋆˚
☆⋅⋆ ─ chapter six. roller skating


maeve and riley waited for jack's text for them to meet him and his friend outside. maeve was starting to pick around her nail and riley noticed this, "you're doing it again.."

"doing what?"

"you start picking around your nail when your nervous." riley told her. maeve sighed and got up from the couch, "im nervous okay? this is my first time meeting him and he's insanely attractive."

"and i don't blame you, i hope his friend is cute too." riley smirked, causing maeve to playfully roll her eyes at her. her phone chimed with a text notification from jack, the pair widening their eyes. "shit! shit!" riley panicked and shot up from her seat.

maeve opened the text, 'we are here at the front :)'

"they're here." she told riley, grabbing her purse. they both began walking out and closed the front door behind them. they saw jacks car in the front and maeve smiled nervously.

she made her way around the passengers seat and riley in the back with his friend. maeve opened the car door and got in the vehicle, closing the door.

"well, well, it's nice to meet you, jack champion." she gave him a smile, already starting with her jokes.

"it's nice to meet you too, maeve cline." he returned a smile back at her. she placed her seatbelt around her and turned around to see riley and mason gooding.

"holy shit.. you play chad right?" riley asked him in shock.

"yup, i've seen you on my instagram feed sometimes." he told her. riley stared at the boy before continuing their conversation.

maeve turned back around with a smirk, "looks like they are gonna get along just well."

"i think so too. mason practically begged me to invite him so i did." jack simply shrugged his shoulders. 'lover'  by taylor swift started playing on the radio and jack was about to change the channel until maeve smacked his hand away, "we're you really about to switch on taylor swift?"

jack chuckled at the girl, "n-no."

"yes you were."

"okay i was."

maeve stared at him offended, "how am i supposed to go out with a guy who skips on a tay-"

"go out?" jack turned to her for a quick second and glanced back at the road.

"sorry, that was a dumb thing to say-"

"no, your right, going out." he smiled at her. she gave him one back before putting her attention on her phone.


THE GANG walked into the roller skating place and was met with bright colorful lights with a shiny disco ball in the middle of the rink.

"we should get our skates." jack told the group, getting nods in agreement.

"mhm." maeve hummed. they walked to the counter that gives out the roller skates and told the worker their shoe sizes.

Heart to Heart ✶ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now