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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˚⋆ ┊ HEART TO HEART ┊ ⋆˚
☆⋅⋆ ─ chapter eight. egghead



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liked by jennaortega, masonthegooding, and 3,431,000 others

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liked by jennaortega, masonthegooding, and 3,431,000 others

tagged - jackchampion

maevecline look at us being amazing chefs 😙🤌

jennaortega teasing us now..


masonthegooding interesting..

devyn_nekoda hi! 💕
maevecline hi!!

user75252 cmon now

user9 ship ship ship

christophersturniolo my prayers have worked
liked by maevecline

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"JACK I SWEAR TO GOD." maeve yelled at the boy next to her, his hand ready to mess up the flour in the bowl.

"what? i really want to touch it, i like the texture of flour.." he chuckled and was about to place his hand in but maeve smacked it away.


maeve raised her eyebrows at him, "don't touch it!" she pointed a finger at him.

"and what are you gonna do about it if i do?" he smirked at her, tilting his head while his arm leaning on the counter.

maeve stopped stirring the ingredients and turned her body to face jack. "you are such an egghead."

"im not." he simply shrugged.

maeve bit her bottom lip, hiding her smile while glancing down at the eggs on the counter. she grabbed one and smashed it on the brunettes hair, causing his jaw to drop. the egg yolk was all over him  while she continued to laugh at him.

jack reached for the flour and wastes no time in throwing as much flour in her face. the girl gasped at his actions and threw another kind of flour at his shirt.

jack repeated what she did and that's when the two started having a food fight. he sprinkled some baking powder on-top of her head when she kept throwing brown sugar at him.

the two stopped after a bit when jack kept taking steps closer to her while still smiling at her. he wiped some flour off her face, maeve blushed at this.

her smile slowly faded when she saw him glance at her lips for a moment. they both started to lean in until someone interrupted them by walking into the kitchen.

"what the hell.." madelyn muttered, looking at the messy kitchen that the two caused.

they both looked at her which made jack take a step back from maeve. she frowned at him but looked at madelyn, covering it up with a tight smile, "we're baking!"

"i can see that.." her older sister gave her a nod with wide eyes.

" her older sister gave her a nod with wide eyes

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HEY I UPDATED !! and this is my new favorite chapter rn 💋 don't be a ghost reader <3

Heart to Heart ✶ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now