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*ੈ✩‧₊˚  ˚⋆ ┊  HEART TO HEART   ┊ ⋆˚
☆⋅⋆ ─ epilogue


"WHAT IF i back out now?" jack glanced at maeve who was smiling down at him.

the couple was filming a lie detector video for 'vanity fair.' it's been 3 months since maeve and jack started dating and she has never been happier.

the lady, sam, who was going to monitor jacks truths or lies, sat beside the boy and began. the camera had already started filming as maeve sat down in front of her boyfriend with a paper filled with questions in her hands. "let's began."

jack shifted in his seat as maeve asked the first question, "are you nervous?" she tilted her head with small smile.


"interesting." maeve raised her eyebrows at the boy. she looked at the paper and asked the second question.

"is it true that this girl in this picture," the cline girl pulled out an image of herself and slammed it onto the table for jack to see, "is your girlfriend?"

"yes, she is and the most prettiest girl ever." jack answered truthfully. maeve smiled at his comment and looked at sam for confirmation, "true."

"okay," the girl sighed before continuing, "would you take me to disney world some day?"

"of course," he simply shrugged, "tell me the time and when." maeve gazed at the boy and turned her attention towards the fourth question, "have you ever lied to me?"

"never." he shook his head. maeve turned to sam and she nodded, "true."

"do you believe that you're the best ghostface in the scream franchise?"

jack paused and slightly tilted his head, "not really, i feel like their were better ones before me."


"do you like me with blonde hair or brunette hair?" maeve asked him. she genuinely wanted to know his answer to this question.

"brown hair because it brings out your eyes more," he answered with a grin.

sam held up a thumbs up, "everything true so far."

maeve gazed at her boyfriend before asking the second to last question, "did you talk to any girls while we were at our talking stage?"

"no because i knew that i wanted you."


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Heart to Heart ✶ Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now