Chapter 1: The start of a wrestlers journey part 1

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Narrator POV

4 Years have pass since the beginning of Y/n Wrestling career. In the years he's been in with the company he has achieve so many things, having achieve the longest winning streak that was 215 wins with 0 loses allowing him to break the Record of Goldberg having a winning streak of 173-win streak. Along with the winning streak he won the Grand Slam Championship against a wrestler called Mabel in a Steel Cage match. It was an intense battle but ultimately Y/n was able to pick up the win and take the Title from him, however Mable challenge him once again so that he can proclaim what it's rightfully his. Y/n Accepted the rematch and it was set on the event of Judgement Day, this time it was a normal 1 on 1 match again it was intense as well has very brutal considering the fact that Y/n was busted wide open, blood running down from the top of his head. Mabel use many tricks to defeat him, leaving Y/n no choice but to use his new finisher that He got from training in the Dojo Thanks to Ryu and Ken letting him use the Shoryuken, finally taking the big men down falling from his back and picking up the win making it his 78 win, although it left his mom very worried because he was busted wide open but was relief that he was ok but she also lecture him to be more careful next time. On the next year her sister Emily joined the wrestling industry and was able to have an amazing match thanks to the training that their mom gave her and training from her mentor Chun Li and her opponents who became her best friend after the match named Amanda Steamboat.

Y/n had entered the famous Royal Rumble match, he wanted to achieve the biggest win in his career by participating in it and having a shot for the main Title of the company brand's being Either the World heavyweight championship or the WWE championship. He was able to get in the Royal Rumble, but luck was not on his side has he was position in the first entry of the Rumble match. Y/n was getting extra training because of it and if you're wondering if Zangief was able to convinced Y/n parents to give him some body training in which they instantly accepted, his mother hesitated a bit because she knows how hard and how dangerous Zangief's training his, considering the fact that he trains in the cold icy mountains as well has having a lot Grimm in that location but ultimately decided that she wanted her son to be even stronger. His father on the other hand immediately accepted the proposal because he wanted his son to gain more experience against the Grimm and has well improve his body in this training exercise. So not only did he have training from his family, then training in Ryu and ken's Dojo but now he has to train with the person that literally his built different, which kind of ruin his sleep schedule. Luckily for him However majority of that was in the weekends while he can take brakes on Friday, Saturday and Sunday because Thursday well.... Let's just say that Day is special for the Calaway family because it's Sparring Day.

What's sparring Day you may ask my Readers, well every Thursday the Calaway family go to their home-made Arena and have sparring match of 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 even a mix match which is a team having both man and woman in the same corner turning it into a mix tag team match. This particular day has well the family can bring guest such has friends or other family members however they choose only the people who think are worthy of watching or joining them in a match because there are many people who could either ruin their privacy, be annoying or taking advantage of what moves and techniques they do. Y/n invited the Xiao Long/Branwen/ Family because both him and his family became good friends over the entire Year, he wanted to invite his two masters as well has Zangief but they said they were occupied with certain things. Emily invited her best friend Amanda, Kane A.K.A Glenn invited his only friend (For now) Daniel Bryan, Susan invited her friend and sparring partner Chun Li and finally The Undertaker invited Hunter A.K.A Triple H as well accompanied by Shawn Michaels. Ruby was actually wanting to have an autograph from H.B.K.; She ask if she can have one in which Shawn gladly gave an autograph and a drawing with a cracked heart on top of its name, Ruby squeal in joy and ran where her family was showing the autograph that Shawn gave her. In that specific day the entire Xiao Long/Branwen/Rose witness the intense sparring matches they were doing has well learning a thing or two about it, eventually some of the guest went in the action as well like Triple H going against Kane, Shawn going against the Undertaker and Chun Li going against Susan. Ultimately Daniel Brian was the only one left and to their surprised Y/n invited him to the Ring but not just him he also invited Tai because he was curious to see how well he would do against two men in the Ring and as well has how he fights. Tai was beyond excited because he gets to fight not only Daniel Bryan but also the son of his number 1 hero and so he instantly accepted it and jumped right into the ring.

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