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Team Leader:Luke Sullivan.

Team Leader:Luke Sullivan

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Personality:(Friends) Confident, Persistent, Brave, Strong Will, Arrogant at times, Chill, Selfless, determined, relaxed and super supportive.(Enemies)Very confident, Fearless, Brutal, Flippant at times, taunting, sometimes shows Mercy and Sarcastic.

Aura Color: Blue with Yellow highlights.

Likes: Traveling, PC Games, Wacky T-Shirts, his Gym, being a coach, Fighting strong people, Motivating his students, beating his Rival(Jamie), Hanging out, Stopping a terrorist attack, getting stronger, Beating the impossible, Training to break his limits and beating people who underestimate him.

Dislikes: Jamie's antics, Horror Games, Terrorist, People insulting his father's sacrifice, Not being a good coach, Racism, Abuse, Losing a fight, Losing against his Rival, Insulting someone's hard work, Bully's, Grimm, Cocky opponents, training getting ruined and Not understanding the situation.

Supernatural and Skills:

. Military Base Training.

. MMA(Mixed Martial Arts)

. Boxing.

. Kickboxing.

. Incredible CQC.

. Able to throw small but fast projectile attacks.

. Good endurance.

. Good reaction Speed.

. Great strength.

. Huge amounts of Aura than the average person.

. Good leadership skills.

. Good reflexes.

Semblance: It's semblance called Burst a power that allows him to increase his muscles to gain more momentum in speed on his attacks as well in strength. His Aura increases more and more depending on how long he keeps it on in which results his strength and speed increases and his power has well before reaching and bursting his Aura fully to it's peek resulting in him to have his body surrounded in immense Dark yellow Aura has well a few veins start to appear on his arms. In this state his his attacks are so fast and strong it can be nearly impossible to dodge and react at the same time and thanks to his military training it made him completely hard to counter him although one's he deactivates his semblance he will feel tired depending on how long he left it on and if he deactivates it in this moment he will not be able to fight back until he as fully rested before he can continue to fight and there's a possibility that if he isn't careful enough he can also be unconscious in the process although if that happens he packed a certain liquid that wakes him up and that he regains a bit of strength but still has to rest if he wants to go all out.

Second member: Melody Levesque

Second member: Melody Levesque

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