Chapter 46: Painful Conflict

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Chapter 46: Painful Conflict

Once we got back to the house Carlisle continued to try and help Jane. Samuel was on the chair, he was fine now just alittle shaken up from Jane's attack. Alec stood in the corner, I kept my shield around everyone just in case he decided to use his ability. Sam and Seth guarded him while Jacob helped us out with Jane.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked in a guilty tone.

"I'm not sure." Carlisle replied trying to sound optimistic.

I just stood there staring at Jane laying on the couch, I felt so bad for what I did. "It's not your fault." edward said as he put his arms around me. "You were just protecting us."

"I know," I said "But I still feel bad for hurting her." Edward kissed my neck and we stood there watching Carlisle trying to get Jane awake.

After about three hours Jane finally started to stir around. She opened her eyes and looked around then jumped up. "WHAT HAPPENED!" she demanded.

"Easy," Carlisle said trying to calm her down.

Jane looked furious, luckily I had the shield up so she couldn't hurt anyone. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" Jane shouted.

"We aren't really sure." Carlisle said still trying to calm her down. "Please just calm down and we will figure it out."

Jane calmed down just a bit, she was still on end as Alec joined her. They both just stood there. "I'm so sorry." I said looking at Jane. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Ha, You hurt me!" Jane said in a softer voice then before. "You, could never hurt me."

I didn't say anything else, I just let it go. Jane just stood there then she seen Samuel in the corner. "YOU!" she started shouting again. "This is your fault." then she went towards Samuel. Emmett and Jasper stopped her, Sam and Jacob got near Alec in case he tried to attack. "Let me go!" Jane demanded. Carlisle nodded so Emmet and Jasper released her. She just looked at everyone then she darted out the door. Alec looked around then he left as well. Neither of them said anything as they left.

"Well that went well." Rosalie said with a laugh.

I just stared out the door. "I hope she is alright." I said as Edward stood beside me. I really did hope she was okay. I never meant for her to get hurt. We weren't sure what was going to happen now, was she going to bring the others to get us for hurting Jane or was she going to let it go? We would have to be on guard just in case. Samuel decided to stay near Forks, he went to the cottage to stay for awhile until he could find somewhere else to stay that was safe.

Well the next two days were alittle strange, Esme and Renesmee brought the kids back to the house. We told them what had happened, Esme was alittle worried that Jane would come back. Jacob and the other woves kept a look out for any of the Volturi. I tried to keep my mind off of what had happened, I spent most of time helping Renesmee with the twins, they were getting so big and they were a handful. Anthony was so much like Jacob he was big and mean. Mean as in a pain not mean like he was a bully. Rosemary was so sweet and Masen was quiet. I tried to keep my mind on them and not on what Jane was doing. Alice has been looking for Jane but for some reason can't seem to find her.

As it got darker we went hunting, I was still thinking about Jane. I couldn't seem to concentrate on what I was doing. I did end up catching a small elk but my mind was elsewhere. Edward seemed to catch onto my mood. "Are you alright?" he asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes," I replied turning to face him. "I am just concerned about Jane."

"I know," he said "I'm sure she is fine."

"Your right," I said nodding. "She is a powerful vampire, I'm sure she will be fine."

Over the next week I was alittle more at ease, Jane seemed to be the farthest thing from my mind. That was until one day when there was a knock at the door. "Wonder who that is." Esme said as she answered it. When she opened the door there stood Jane.

Instantly we all took guard to protect the children. Rosalie and Alice jumped in front of Masen, Rosemary and Anthony and I was in front of Renesmee. "What do you want?" Rosalie hissed at Jane.

"Please," Jane said in a soft voice. "I just came to talk." We all looked at each other then back at Jane. No one moved.

Atleast not until Edward said "She is telling the truth."

"Please, come in." Carlisle said leading Jane to the living room. She sat on the couch, she looked different, more, gentle. I wasn;t sure what was going on.

"Why are you here?" Carlisle asked sitting beside her.

"Well," she said "I have no where else to go."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I let my guard down.

"Aro kicked me out." she said as she held her head down.

"What, why?" I asked in shock.

"Well, apparently whatever happened with your shield, it took my ability." she said.

We all just looked at each other, I didn't believe her, I thought it was a trick. "Seriously?" I said "Is this a trick?"

"No." she replied "I wish it was but it's not."

I looked at Edward who looked shocked. "Well?" I asked anxiously.

"She isn't kidding." he said "She don't have her power."

"Oh Jane." I said giving her a hug. "I am so sorry, it's all my fault."

"It's alright." Jane said "I know know that I was being used. Once Aro found out he cut me like a stray dog, said he had no use for me now."

I sat there hugging Jane, I felt so bad for her, it was my fault that she was abanoned by Aro. If I hadn;t hit her with my shield she would still have her power and home. "You can stay here." Esme said sitting near Jane.

"Oh no, I couldn't impose." she said looking so sincere.

"Nonsense," Esme said "We insist, don't we?"

"Of course." Carlisle said. "You are always welcome."

"Thank you." Jane said smiling. That was the first time I ever seen a sincere smile and not a evil one. So Jane was good, or somewhat good anyway. We still had to teach her our way of life.




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