Chapter 3: Big News

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Chapter 3: Big News

Well it was the last day my mom and Phil were going to be here. They were leaving in the morning to go back to Jacksonville, FL. I was really going to miss them, but atleast I know I can see them anytime I want to now that they accept me for what I am now. Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Renesemee, Sue, mom and I all decided to go shopping today. Phil, Charlie, Jacob and Billy all went to do some guy stuff or something today. It was the first day since Jacob imprinted on Renesemee that he hasn't been around, it was kind of of nice in a way to have all my daughters attention.

Well we all spent most of the day shopping. "I am going to miss you mom" I said as we were looking at clothes. " Oh honey, I'm going to miss you too" she replied as she gave me a hug. I loved hugging my mom even though her scent burned all down my throat.

As usual Alice and Rosalie bought half the store, they never wear the same outfit twice. Esme bought a couple things as did mom, Sue and Renesemee, I only bought a new pair of jeans I don't dress up much even as a vampire I like to be comfortable. Alice can't stand it sometimes, she tries to make me her personal doll and dress me up all fancy like. Sometimes it is fun but mostly just annoying. Well on the way home Rosalie, Alice and Esme rode in Rosalie's car they were going hunting before going home and Renesemee, Sue, mom and I rode in my car. It was quiet most the way home. "So, when do you think you will get to come visit again Grandma?" Renesemee asked " I'm not sure honey, I hope soon" mom replied. I just smiled, I hoped my mom would visit more often, she doesn't like it here, she don't like the cold and rain, and it also reminds her of bad times she had being married to Charlie. She didn't hate him she just didn't want the life he had. She is a free spirit type.

When we got back home we all went inside. Charlie and Phil were in the living room with Edward and Carlisle when we walked in. "Hi, what's going on here?" I asked as I walked over to Edward. He gave me a big kiss and said "Well Phil and Charlie have some good news" "Oh" I said as I looked at Charlie and Phil sitting on the couch together. My mom and Sue walked slowly to the living room, they were alittle surprised that Charlie and Phil were happy and sitting together. We all stood there looking at them. The my mom said "Well What is the good news?" Phil walked over to her and said I know how much you miss Bella and I made some phone calls, I am on the Tacoma Rainiers right here in Washington" My moms mouth fell open, I don't know is she was shocked or mad.

"Mom, are you alright?" I asked as I gently shook her. She just looked at me then at Phil. "Honey" Phil said as he walked towards my mom "I know you love it in Florida and I know you don't like the cold and rain here, but I also know how much you miss your daughter and now you even miss your granddaughter" My mom looked at him then she smiled " Oh Phil, thank you so much" she said as she gave him a big hug. She almost knocked him down she hugged him so hard. Then she turned to Renesemee and I and said " I am going to see you all the time now" then she hugged us both together. I was so excited that my mom would be in the same state I felt bad for her though cause of the weather she don't like and memories she had here. But it didn't seem to bother her, she was just happy to be close to me. I remember at one time I didn't like this weather either.

"So when do we move?" mom asked Phil. "As soon as we find a house" he replied. "Oh may I?" Interupted Carlisle "I have a spare house you can live in" Mom and Phil looked at him with a weird look " A spare house?" mom asked "How do you just have a spare house laying around?" Charlie asked "Well" Carlisle replied "When we moved here we all had a seperate house for personal reasons, and now we don't use them all. So if you would like one you are more then welcome to have it, free of charge" I smiled at Carlisle. "Well, I guess that would be alright" Phil said "What do you think honey?" Mom looked at Phil then at Carlisle then said "Only if you are sure" "Of course" Carlisle said as he smiled at mom and Phil. "Well I guess we will go home and pack" mom said as she gave me a big hug. "Alright mom, see you soon" her and Phil then got ready to leave.

I walked over to Carlisle "Thank you so much I said" "No problem Bella" Carlisle said "it was actually Edward, Emmett and Jaspers idea. The just asked me for permission to do it" "I really appreciate how much you all have help me get use to this life, I know it is hard to have my human family around" "It's quite alright Bella, it is much harder for you then it is us, so anything for you we are more then happy to do" I gave Carlisle a big hug then went and gave Edward a big kiss. After they left Renesemee gave me a big hug then said "Oh mom, I can't believe grandma is going to live here" "I know honey" I replied as I held her tight in my arms "it makes me so happy".

Well Jacob came in about that time from the kitchen. He looked around then said " Alright, what's up? you all are all to happy" I looked at him and just smiled. Renesemee ran over and wrapped her arms around him and said "Oh Jake, Grandma and Phil are moving here" Jacob looked at her then replied "Really? that is great" I walked over to him and Renesemee " Yeah, we are all so happy and surprised". "Yeah, I know it makes you and Renesemee happy to have Renee closer" I just smiled then replied "Yes, I am glad I get to have all my old family in my new life". Then Charlie walked over and gave me a hug then he said "I'm glad you are happy Bells, I know how hard it has been on you since you moved here" I looked at my dad and smiled "Yeah, it has been hard, but you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything" My dad just smiled then gave me another hug. We all then sat around like usual and talked.

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