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The sun rises over Seoul, casting a warm glow over the city. As the people of Seoul begin their day, the crisp autumn air fills their lungs, signalling the start of a new season.

The streets are lined with the vibrant colours of autumn leaves, as the trees and bushes turn shades of red, orange, and yellow. The sound of rustling leaves and footsteps echo through the quiet streets.

As people start to make their way to work and school, the city comes alive with bustling activity. Shop owners set up their storefronts, street vendors begin cooking up their savoury snacks, and the smell of roasted coffee fills the air.

Some people are dressed in sweaters and scarves while others still wear their short-sleeved clothes from the summer. The temperature is crisp and fresh, and people can feel the coolness of the season on their skin.

The sky is painted with hues of pink and orange, signalling the arrival of a new day. The beauty of autumn is all around, from the leaves changing colours to the cool breeze that gently blows past.

Despite the busy city, there is a sense of calmness and peacefulness in the air. The autumn season has a way of bringing people together and reminding them of the beauty that surrounds them.

As people continue their day, they are reminded of the beauty of autumn in Seoul. It's a time to appreciate the small things in life and enjoy the simple pleasures that the city has to offer.

As Stella walked down the street towards the Maple Leaf Cafe, she noticed a small flower shop adjacent to the road. She could see a florist arranging a display of fresh-cut flowers and potted plants outside the shop.

The ambiance of the place lifted Stella's mood. She approached the shop, admiring the delicate colours and fragrance of the flowers displayed on the pavement. The red, white, and yellow roses mixed with daisies and chrysanthemums were a delightful sight.

The florist noticed Stella's presence and greeted her with a warm smile. She asked if she could assist her with anything or if she was here to buy something for her loved ones. Stella replied politely that she was on her way to work, but admired the beauty of the flowers in the shop.

The florist smiled back at her and offered a brief story about each flower arrangement. Stella thanked her and continued to walk down the street, but not before waving goodbye with a warm smile.

This small exchange made her appreciate the friendly nature of the neighbourhood. Walking past Stella, the florist felt cheerful, knowing that their little interaction with her had brightened her day.

Stella continued walking towards the Maple Leaf Cafe, with a spring in her step, still pleased by the lovely flowers and the florist's kindness. She felt grateful for the beauty of her surroundings and for the friendly connections that could be made even in the briefest interactions.

As she arrived at the cafe, she felt happy to greet her colleagues, and even more delighted to serve the customers who walked in with a genuine smile. The flowers from the shop next door had been the perfect accompaniment to the beautiful start of her day.

Stella walked into the Maple Leaf Cafe and was greeted by her colleague, Grace, who was also a barista. Grace had already begun setting up for the day, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee was in the air.

"Good morning, Stella!" Grace said with a big smile. "How was your walk in today?"

"It was lovely. The neighbourhood is looking beautiful with the autumn colours," Stella replied, still admiring the scenery of the walk she had just taken.

"Well, I have a little surprise for you." Grace gestured to the display case behind her. "I saved one slice of strawberry cheesecake for you. It's your favourite, isn't it?"

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