Chapter 7

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The Maple Leaf Cafe is a bustling and vibrant establishment that recently hosted a special event called Member's Day. On this particular day, the cafe decided to delight its customers by offering a range of exclusive BTS merchandise alongside their usual menu items. The cafe, known for its cosy ambiance and delectable treats, quickly became a popular destination for fans of the Korean boy band.

As you step into The Maple Leaf Cafe, you are greeted by a lively and crowded atmosphere. The cafe is filled with enthusiastic customers, excitedly lining up to purchase their favourite drinks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafts through the air, creating an irresistible temptation.

Amidst the buzz, you notice Stella, a friendly and energetic staff member, stationed at the counter. She is enthusiastically promoting the cafe's new bakes for the day, which include strawberry muffins, orange cakes, and white chocolate cookies. These delectable treats have been created with utmost care and are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

To make the Member's Day even more special, Stella surprises the customers by giving away BTS merchandise for free. Cup sleeves adorned with the band's logo and custom coffee cups featuring the faces of the BTS members are among the coveted items that lucky customers can take home as a token of appreciation. The atmosphere in the cafe is filled with excitement and joy as fans eagerly receive these exclusive collectibles.

Despite the crowd and the busy nature of the event, Stella manages to handle the influx of orders with efficiency and a warm smile. She skillfully takes orders, ensuring that each customer receives their desired drink promptly. As an additional treat, she surprises every member with a complimentary chocolate cookie, adding an extra touch of sweetness to the Member's Day experience.

The Maple Leaf Cafe's Member's Day is a delightful and memorable event where fans of BTS can enjoy their favourite beverages while indulging in delicious baked goods. With Stella's friendly demeanour and the cafe's dedication to providing a welcoming experience, it is no wonder that this bustling place remains a popular destination for both coffee lovers and BTS enthusiasts alike. 

Stella, the friendly and warm-hearted staff member, stood behind the counter at the Maple Leaf Cafe, wearing a bright smile that lit up her face as she greeted the customers. Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she engaged in conversation with each person who approached the counter.

As a customer stepped forward, Stella's attention turned to them, her smile widening. "Hi! Welcome to the Maple Leaf Cafe, how can I help you, miss?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

The customer returned the greeting and placed her order with a touch of excitement evident in her voice. "Hello! Can I get a vanilla latte with extra syrup please? Oh, and can I get a strawberry muffin to have here?" she requested, her eyes glancing over the display of baked goods with anticipation.

Stella nodded, fully attentive to the customer's preferences. "Of course! A vanilla latte with extra syrup coming right up. It's a wonderful choice, and the extra syrup will add a delightful sweetness to your drink," she replied, her voice filled with a hint of excitement. "And for your munching pleasure, our freshly baked strawberry muffins are a delightful treat. They pair wonderfully with a warm beverage like a latte. You're in for a real treat!"

The customer's face lit up with anticipation as she eagerly awaited her order. Stella, with her friendly demeanour, assured the customer that her order was being taken care of. "Please, feel free to find a comfortable seat while our talented baristas carefully craft your vanilla latte and retrieve a perfect strawberry muffin for you," she suggested, gesturing toward the cosy seating area.

As the customer made her way to find a seat, Stella's attention shifted to the baristas, ensuring that they received the order details. She wanted to ensure that the customer's vanilla latte was made to perfection, with just the right amount of extra syrup to satisfy her taste. Stella knew that attention to detail was crucial in creating a memorable experience for each customer.

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